JONY LEVER drinks JONY WALKER and goes to sleep

Vishnu Mahadev

Registered Users (C)
till we bath him with cold shower after getting confirmation on his approval.

JONY LEVER wants his name to be displayed on everything.
Here is the test of his own medicine.
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when will my approval come?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
very frustrated...drinking a lot of Jony Walker-:)
Johny u r may rd

of course if i were u i would also be upset but only very few people of may have got approved - i am sure ur approval will come in next week - hang in there and check avm daily in night after 9=00 pm - also order champagne and keep it to cool - u will soon need it

Ask ur family to make a list of people to call for the celebration - inquire with local authorities if u can have fireworks and loud music at ur party

Think Positive my friend - Enjoy life also
guys dont get personal

i am in the same boat - i am july rd
i definitely would love to get approval tommorow but i realise that its not possible
maybe i will get approval in march or april or may

only thing i can do is that i believe in tuesdays and will check my avm every tuesday

That is all i can do

hope others get approval soon and therefore my number comes up sooner
in the meantime - watching a lot of movies to keep calm
i watched 5 movies this weekend
am going to start another movie now
Isn\'t Jony Lever a character from Hindi movies?

One of the comedians I guess. Jony Lever, take it easy man. GC is not the end of the world.

Follow Buddha\'s teachings. It will calm you down. The materialistic world brings much stress and tension. Henerysh would vouch for that.

Read Gita - Focus on your actions rather than worry about the results.

Finally, read Vishnu\'s postings. Perhaps, the humor will work better if nothing else works. INS will take its own sweet time to process each case. Now we know that no flood of approvals is coming our way. The first in first out also does not work because some July cases are getting it too.

It is all in good sense, so no hard feelings bud.
Jony Lever, there are so many guys before us

My RD :4/16 ND:6/5 and I think there are so many april filers whose cases not approved yet, so please take it easy and it\'ll come by its own pace.
Pump my friend with twin case, what is Gita?

Is that a Brahmanist/Hindu sutra?

Pump, according to Buddha\'s teaching, a man should stand on himself. Nobody can be your saviour other than yourself. That\'s why I can\'t do more to relieve Jony Lever. This guy really concerns me.
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is it true that large corporations have separate cells for 485 processing(cisco, microsoft,luscent,sun,oracle,etc.)?
I was told by someone.
I do not believe this. Why there should be separate cells?
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Dee Rod , why do you supspect so? any particular case you came across.
i was told that for these companies , they do batch processings and that is why people with wide
range of RDs(spanned over two months) ger approval almost at the same time.
Hey Jony! Now you must have stopped drinking that JONY WALKER

Didn\'t you? I have been drinking a lot these days as it is getting late in the approval and board is getting against me.
Never mind, I will see to it how this site works.