joma, abhiyant, 485-2001, 485 approval, check_gc need information please!!

se ru

I saw this on the "NVC" web-site and you all may have seen this too. My question to you is did your Attorney send a letter to "NVC" informing them to hold your file and not send files to consulate in India within 30 days of receiving the letter from NVC? Please, let me know.
I am I-485 RD/ND DEC2000 with I-140 for CP.
Please, reply

This is from the NVC Web-site:

If you live in the U.S. you may be eligible for adjustment of status as a permanent resident. When your case becomes current, NVC will send you a letter telling you that you may be eligible for adjustment of status and asking that you tell us if you will adjust or apply at a U.S. consular section abroad. If you write back to us that you will adjust status, we will note it on your case record and retain the file until an INS office requests it to process your adjustment application. If NVC does not get a reply to our letter after 30 days, we will send you a Packet 3 and send your case file to a consular office abroad for processing.
Packet 3 sent to attorney

From the NVC message system, I heard that, packet 3 was sent to my attorney on OCT 16th. My attorney confirmed the receipt of this package. They told me that, We have to do nothing and INS takes care of it automatically....

I do not know, what we can do about it. I think everybody should consult their lawyer and post their reply over here. let\'s see whether all of them give the same advice or not...
Seru- In my case, the file was transfered to Chennai consulate on Oct 17.

Apparently my attorney said the same as Joma\'s did. Probably joma you and I have the same guys (FDBL). Well looks like we are stuck now. I contacted the Chennai consulate and they still seem to have the file and the request from INS have not come yet.

Hence the wait continues.

Good Luck
same situation here

I have checked about this over last 2 months with various parties involved.

IIO : They say that my file is complete. I-140 for CP should not matter.

NVC : Packet 3 was sent to attorney on record (old attorney) and when I called them they say INS has not requested the file back so far.

Lawyer : This should not matter. Unfortunately my company was acquired some time ago and I am not sure if our old company attorney did send any such letter last year.

So like other I am gonna wait and watch, Call IIO and bug them a little once in a while :)))
Reply from Chennai in 72hours

I contacted Chennai Consulate and they replied back informing that the case was transferred on July 31st 2001 to the VSC center. My I-140 was approved for Consulate processing. Still waiting on !-485 approval. RD/ND Dec2000.
What does the case transferred mean? Any ideas?
Chennai Consulate Replied in 72hrs.

I contacted Chennai Consulate and they replied back informing that the case was transferred on July 31st 2001 to the VSC center. My I-140 was approved for Consulate processing. Still waiting on !-485 approval. RD/ND Dec2000.
What does the case transferred mean? Any ideas?
Great!!! What would be the problem then???!!!!

Looks like a lazy officer is sitting on all of our cases. My attorney told me, a bunch of cases will be assigned to an officer at a time. Looks like all of our cases are with the same turtle!!!!

Wait patiently and pray to God...
joma- question for you

Sometime back on another post you informed us that your attorney had contacted the VSC center and the iio was going to send an e-mail to check with the assigned officer on your case. Any updates on that?
i\'m in the same boat, it\'s frustrating...

I was silently following the forum and now I\'m getting very frustrated. My I-140 was somehow approved for CP without my knowledge. And the papers ended up in the consulate in Turkey. I called the consulate 3 times, they said they sent it back to VSC on August 15 upon a request by VSC. It has been 3.5 months since they sent it. In between, I got an RFE for employment letter and on Oct 29 my reply was received by VSC. So everything is ready for approval except for those I-140 papers, which I don\'t understand why VSC needs. They are the ones who approved I-140 in the first place afterall. My lawyer called 2 weeks ago and got the same reply that they\'re waiting for it. I\'m asking them to call again. It\'s relieving to know there are other people in the same situation, though. Maybe we should call our congressmen to create an awareness to that problem.
Seru, i think the transfer means

they physically sent the file from the consulate to VSC. The question, of course, is how can it not be picked up by VSC 4 months after it was sent. If you read below, I am in the same situation. The date for me is August 15 and it was sent from Turkey.
Same case

NVC says packet sent to attorney in June\'00, While filing for
485, cover letter says would like to do processing in US.
IIO says I-140 was requested from NVC. Never contacted Consulate.
Attorney says they will write to NVC, Will it help ?? Don\'t know.
Waiting ...........................!!!!
No reply from vsc

My attorney didn\'t yet got a reply from VSC. Attorney also told me that, they have cases pending from oct 00 and getting approval notice for march 01. Their attitude is, nothing much can be done about this scenario. I told them, the case of jai jagdeesh hare, who had the same dates as mine( also CP) but got approved on Nov 7. The lawyer told me, jagheesh lawyer is unnecessarily taking credit for his approval. Should I believe my lawyer????

Can our lawyer do something about it????!!!
Case transferred to Consulate - here are my details

My I-140 was approved for CP but on advise of corporate attorney filed for AOS.

As soon as the I-140 was approved, I told my attorney to inform NVC. I was told that NVC will not send the case to consulate unless we complete Packet 3 and assured me that there will be no delays due to this. This however turned-out not to be true.

Meanwhile my I-485 got filed.

I found out from NVC that my case has been sent to consulate. When I told this to my attorney, they told me not to worry and in the past there have been no delay due to this.

I called NVC again and they suggested that speak to VSC. VSC should ask back for my file.

My concern is that now there will be a inherent delay in the process and I will not even know about it till the end of the process. Could I or my attorney do something . I have in this process for too long and really frustrated - experts please help out. Thanks.
Joma - I can\'t agree more to what you have said.

My lawyers say the same shit. I\'m just fed-up and sick and tired of this whole shit. I even called INS yesterday..same answer.....being reviewed, give it another 30 days. I mentioned the case of Jai Jagdeesh and my lawyer said that was indeed a factor of luck and that they were still waiting on Oct,Nov,Dec cases.

Lawyers can help if they want to, by enquiring and sending a request to the specific IIO handling our cases.

Anyway my .02

I called VSC

The same nonsense IIO tells me every time wait for 30 days. I called 3 weeks agao same answer. I think it is time to contact congressman and senators in our area and give it a push.
Just spoke to NVC, Interesting Info!!!!!

I just spoke to NVC. They told me that my I-140 was approved on Oct 5, 2000 and they send the case to chennai consulate on Oct 23, 2000. How prompt!!

They also told me, chennai consulate will sit on it approximately a year. If they didn\'t hear from our attorney, they will send the case back to VSC.

They also mentioned that, INS do not really need this file for AOS. Some time they request it. In that case, they will request it from NVC, nvc will then process the request.

Her attitude was, the I-140 issue is not a determining factor of the approval time??!!

Yesterday night, I send a mail to Chennai consulte. Waiting for their reply to complete the circle.....

Wait Wait Wait.......How long??????