Job description Question!!!


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My friend got I140 approved and his I485 has been pending for 240 days.

He is a mechanical engineer now in AutoMobile industry to develope the Auto parts. Luckily he got a new offer from a better company in Medical device industry which is hot now:

The new job title is no change, still mechanical engineer, and new job is about design and analysis of Medical devices. Salary is 10k higher.

1, Will his case be ok?

2, Is that a true statement that the jobs are similar if the job title is exactly the same? How similar is defined as similar?

Help please, my friend is supposed to make the decision within next week. Thanks a lot.
All the mechanical engineers have only one DOT or O*NET-SOC Code, does this means that the jobs are similar if you are a mechanical engineer and will be a mechanical engineer too for the new employer? The definition of the DOT code is very broad!!! Thanks,