JOb change Need Help Urgent


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Its more than an year since I filed my 485 and I have to change the client now leaving my previous employer. The new job skills and salary are very different .
I might green card in the next few months ( hopefully !!!) but then again I have to join the client or else I will end up losing job

Is it going to hurt my processing PL HELP !!
Its a kind urgent

Thanks for all your help
Can't you ask your client to extend for some more time till u get ur GC? Ask your new employer, if he can support the RFE in case
you get. Hopefully you might not get RFE. But if no option is there, go ahead and join.
Thank u cool guy
Well I tried to extend it and they waited for a real long time and now they are short of funds.
what exactly should I ask the new employer I mean in case of support .. to provide a letter with the same skill set as i filed my GC ?
If you have a choice, then extend it, otherwise don't worry, just go ahead and join the client. I have done the same, and quite a few people at my client site have done the same. Only thing you have to ensure is to have ur job description for the new client match the previous job description to a very large extent.
Hello pperugu,

My best suggestion on this is .. Ask your employeer .. what happens to your status after this project .. defently they will SACK YOU. But they dont say that. .

Based on that answer .. Ask them if you layoff .. will they revoke GC or not? if they say we dont .. then convenece your employeer with client and joined the client imdtly.. It is better taking risk at later time than ask NOW itslef.

Good Luck
pperugu says: "The new job skills and salary are very different .

Be very careful in the 'job skills' part; keep this in mind , as BCIS can issue an RFE later as they wish ..
Thank you very much guys
Well as a matter of fact I have to decide this very soon, most probably with in a week .
I did talk to my employer ofcourse he says dont worry we will find you a job , but then I have to stay with out pay . I have to lose job if I dont accept the offer .
one more question Do I have to inform INS if I change the job ?
Is it ok if I ask my client to give me the offer letter with skill set similar to the one i applied th GC ( not sure if I can get a letter the way i intend do )

Thanks again for all ur help
Who is ur Employer?

Just curious.
If they are any of the 2 big Employers from Pittsburgh,PA, I don't think they will continue even without pay (and without Insurance)for long. Just for your info.
And even if you go on unpaid vacation, how long will it go?
What happens if you get RFE for paystubs?
Sorry, I don't want you to be pesimistic, I am going through this
with no Client offer. :(
Weigh ur options carefully
All the best
thanks hutasana
well I understand what u say . Thats very true I have to weight my options carefully
I am in a deep trouble at this point tooo ..
I am planning to buy some more time with client probably cut the billing rate by half if needed donno

thanks again
Get the offer letter with similar job duties from client


Eventhough you mentioned that job skills are different you will
be ok if you can manage to get the offer letter with similar duties
as mentioned in Labor application and if your client is willing to
provide the letter with similar duties in case of an RFE for
employment.And according others who got approved for AC21 as
reported in this website you don't have to inform INS about the
job change. You can reply with the letter from new employer in
case of an RFE.
Do you have any other issues with your consulting company?
Is the company ok with you taking the job at the client's place?

Good Luck

If we get RFE who gets RFE notice,
If exemployer lawyer gets it, do u think they will send to us?
or Applicant also gets it?

HI sept13
Well I dont have any other issues with my consulting company at this point .
Well anyways I am going to talk to my client tomorrow and explain everything . Hopefully he agrees to give a letter the way I expect.

Regarding RFE I think the attorney receives the letter ( thats my guess)
A few qz

My questions are ;

1* Do I have to inform INS if I change the job ?
2* How does AC21 work, do we have to do some paperwork to USE the AC21. or its a term used/referd in the event of RFE ?
3* Switing job with same job duties ( OR atleast letter), who needs to be informed and when and why ( 3 in one ) ?
4* What impact will it bring to I485, in case we switch job and continue doing it ? and wait ..
5* If we get RFE who gets RFE notice ? Employer / Lawyer ?

Just a few questions poped up ..

pperugu : You will hopefully get the letter, BUT, try to use " THE SAME WORDS " as in your Labour Cert .. I mean the exact same words ...


I am answering your questions based on postings and responses
from this website earlier.

1* Do I have to inform INS if I change the job ?
No. It is not required.You can reply and mention about the job
change if you get an RFE for employment.

2* How does AC21 work, do we have to do some paperwork to USE the AC21. or its a term used/referd in the event of RFE ?
Your lawyer will be able to help you about how to respond to RFE
if you use AC21.

3* Switing job with same job duties ( OR atleast letter), who needs to be informed and when and why ( 3 in one ) ?
One of the conditions to use AC21 is that you need to take up a
new job with similar job duties as mentioned in Labor.

4* What impact will it bring to I485, in case we switch job and continue doing it ? and wait ..
If you are lucky enough you will get approval without an RFE.
Otherwise you will respond to RFE stating that you used AC21
and changed jobs with similar duties.
I am not sure about the requirement for salary.

5* If we get RFE who gets RFE notice ? Employer / Lawyer ?
Lawyer.So far I have not heard of any case where Employer or
the applicant receiving an RFE unless you file it without a lawyer.


sept 13 . your response is appreciated at high level.

Thanx a lot

Apr 31, my 180 days will be over so will my initial slavery
and I am trying to catch a new employer. i know all I wud need from this one is a letter of Lay Off ...

or you suggest I shud resign and join another firm ?
Is your severence package good?

Is your severence package good enough for you to wait to get
laid off?If not, I would suggest resign when you have a better
offer and of course after you cross your 'INITIAL SLAVERY' date.

Gool Luck

Just an update .
the new employer seems to be optimistic about giving the letter that matches my previous skill set.
If thats the case I think it should not be a problem
PL advise .