Job change after I485 approval


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Hi guys,

Let me raise a 'pre-mature' question even though approval for my cast is not on horizon yet (RD MAY 02, ND JUN 02). How early can you change your job after your I485 approval WITHOUT receiving the plastic card? Hong long is the safety 'zone' without jepordizing your legal status?

The underlying principle for 485 is that you will be a permant worker for your sponsor (EB case specific). But we all understand there'll be few, if any, willing to stay on the current job forever. I'd like to get your advise so that I can be a little proactive on my post-485 career planning.
I read in several sources that safe period is a year with 6 months being kind of absolute minimum. However, there is obviously no definate timeframe. As far as I understand BCIS doesn't really care once you get approved. Thus, it is unlikely that your GC will be revoked. Nevertheless, you *may* have problems when renewing the card or applying for citizenship.

I know a guy who got approved this past May (he had RD in Nov 2001) and he switched the jobs in August. When I asked him what he thinks about it. He told me that there shouldn't be any problems as long as you stay in the same field.

He also loves to mention his brother's case. His brother married a US citizen and submitted a marriage-based application for a GC. His wife started cheating on him, so he divorced her before his I485 was approved. He went for an interview and explained the case. Apparently, he had a proof that she was cheating. The officer reviewed all documents and approved him. He obtained citizenship 5 years later without any problems. I know it is not the same case and it was long time ago, but it illustrates that BCIS can give you a slack sometimes.
Thank you for those info. I just want to leverage GC as a short term hedge, so I don't really worry about the application for US citizenship. However, does your answer imply that it might cause BCIS to revoke my I485 if I transfered to a different functional area, say transferring to marketing from engineering?

Thanks a lot
I think it rather gives them grounds to deny your GC extension or citizenship application. I don't think they would come to you and revoke your GC. But there is a slim chance that you might get into trouble next time you go to them.

Heck, they don't always revoke GCs from people who commit crimes. If they don't pay due attention to criminals I don't think they pay much attention to law-abiding GC holders. That's just my humble opinion.