JIT times explanation from service center


Registered Users (C)

We often encounter callers who express anger over alleged mistreatment of his/her case by the Service Centers. Typically, they argue that according to the Service Center processing times report, they are processing "certain date" of cases but the caller filed their cases much earlier. Usually, such callers misunderstand that the processing and adjudication of cases at the Service Centers are produced in a matter of production beltline in the manufacturing plant. The following explanation of one Service Center should help the immigrant community to understand the reality of the work process within the Service Center buildings: "Some Officers are working on dates that are ahead of published times, but not every officer is working on same date. SC must report the oldest dates of each type of application being worked so even if they are working ahead, it may not be reflected by the current processing time list if there is even one case from the older date pending." When the SC adjudicates older cases to reduce the backlog in the processing times report, they have to keep adjudicating cases which they had received in much later dates because the SC cannot let new ones fall further behind.
The foregoing should answer the common mystery why the later cases of other colleagues receive decision earlier than his or her's. People should understand the limit of the Processing Times Reports of the Service Centers when it comes to understanding of waiting time for a specific individual case. Again, it is not a beltline in an automated production process in a manufacturing facility.
moron's explanation

according to SC they report the oldest case date on their f'd up non manufacturing belt line process. CSC just reported 12/16/01.
for eb 485. If the 12/16/2001 is the oldest dt. how come my case
is still pending ???????????????????????????
The logic in this article is too difficult for me to understand even though my major was mathematics.
It's still in mistery.
total crap. what r they trying to sell to us? let us check with AILA if they understand this crap and try to seek further clarification from the powers to be.

i think this is another opportunity to tell them that we are not ready to buy the crap they dish out.

anyone has any contact with AILA?
my understanding ....

My understanding from their statement is, in future we might see a big jump in approval process. Cases after april will get approved sooner than Dec-March cases. Strongly suspect partial Dec-march cases have been shredded. No bigger organization can have a such an irregular sequence of activities. I am a march filer as well. Again, this is my view on this subject
This only explains (?) why the girl next door already got her GC when she filed only in June 2002.

Dosen't say why SM and bhavoo are still 'ghissing' (non-Hindi speakers, you get the idea).

Agree with kashmir :)
Originally posted by niladri30
This only explains (?) why the girl next door already got her GC when she filed only in June 2002.

Dosen't say why SM and bhavoo are still 'ghissing' (non-Hindi speakers, you get the idea).

Agree with kashmir :)

This not only explains (?) why the girl next door already got her GC when she filed only in June 2002 but also explains the pathetic situation of grandma next door who is waiting for her GC since 1902 !!!!!!!!:D :D :D
Please do not drink and write....you will get a
DWW which is bad for GC process....

I am getting a headache trying to make the sense of all this....