Jim....Others please help. - 221(g)


Registered Users (C)
A Friend of mine applied for his H-1B Visa at the Chennai consulate in Sept/Oct via the drop box. He received all his documents back except for his original H-1B approval notice.

They did not ask him for any additional documentation, but have written that his case has been refered to AFU and they will let him know.

It has been nearly 4-5 months now....he tried sending them e-mails/calling them..no response.

The company in US which sponsored his H-1B are losing their patience..is there anything he or the company can do to expedite this process..

Any useful info in this regard will be appreciated.

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Ask the president of your company in your company letter head , to send a fax directly to the consulate general, asking them to expedite the case.

thanks..but does this work. Do you know of anyone who has gone thru this before???. Please let me know
It works..

But attach it with a letter from your lawyer and let your lawyer handle the communication.