jim or somebody please clarify..


New Member
jim or someone can you please explain how someone can go with labor substitution. i think i will match with the experience of other person who left the company after lc approval. can you please tell me how i can apply for labor certificate substitution. can i file directly for 140 or should i have to apply to dol. if i have to apply or tell dol about lc substitution, can apply for 140 along with it at the same time. will the lc substitution 140 take longer than the regular one for approval. what is the success rate of lc substitution 140 cases. any input is greatly appreciated. thanks.
thank you jim & can ..

thanks jim. can you please tell me whether the lc substitution 140 take longer than the regular 140 iam planning to apply in california service center. also can you please tell me about success rates of lc substitution 140 in general. any input is greatly appreciated. thanks once again.
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Do you have a lawyer? If not then get one. Nothing is free dude.