Jim Mills is really THE MAN


Registered Users (C)
Hats off to your helping nature ,sense of decency and sense of purpose despite irritatingly profane postings by some losers.
BTW, Is it true that it is said in the bible that when Jesus cured 10 lepers,
only one came back to thanks Jesus?
After 2002 years I had not seen even that \'one\' with the sense of gratitude.
Trust me Jim, you will make it big in your career and life.
All the best,
RSM(Rishabh Sai M)
thank you Jim

I think of the same each day and wonder are there still such thoughtful people in this world! Thanks Jim for your help to all of us
Jim has been a great source of valuble information...

with his prompt and knowledgeable responses. I wish him a great career ahead and he is the first person I will recommend to my friends.

Good Luck Mr. Mills...
Question for Jim

Jim,I need your advice on this question. I am going to file my I-485 in a couple of days. Do I need to apply for Advance Parole if I plan to visit India this year?. I have a valid H1B visa valid till March of next year. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Thank you JIM

We all appreciate your timely help on immigration matters. We all thank Jim everyday by seeing his replies to numerous questions but we forget to extend our simple gratitude(this includes me!!). Needless to say "You\'re a wonderful human being and please keep up this good work"
RFE regarding name

I received a Rfe regarding explanation of my first and middle name. My passport has first name and middle name as A and B whereas all my other documents like my work permit, school and college certificates has B and A. How do I explain my situation to INS legally? Do I have to get a letter from Embassy(Consulate General) stating that I am also known as B and A?

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You


I think because of Jim Mill\'s active participation in this site people are getting some good Tips and getting some misconception clear.

Hope Jim Will continue giving answers to all........