Jerk INS commissioner one after the another!!!!


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When the new commissioner took the office, people have \'high\' expection and
hope he can do something to improve the world\'s most sloppy agent. And
people do like his big mouth "We continue to welcome immigrants, and we
must make them feel welcome at the first time because the first time is
most impressive... blah blah"... But... Without God\'s help, it is simply
one jerk after the other jerk, one big mouth after the other big mouth...

I truly believe people really LOVE this country and I do mean "love" so that they make every effort to come here. But after this hopeless GC processing, how many loves are remaining??????
How many people will really love this country after this horrible GC processing!!!! What if this country is in dowhill, how many new
immigrants will be willing to contribute their loves to their fullest capacity (they were deeply hurt at the very beginning.....) ??

I think INS has been playing a lose-game for years and years..
It is hurting millions loving hearts everyday, everyday ....
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Under the Seal of the Justice Department of United States, the position of Immigration Commissioner has been renamed as Jerk of the World. Anybody with the following qualifications can apply:
1. Can you Lie to anybody at any time under any circumstance.
2. Can you Lie to anybody at any time under any circumstance.
GC without employment letter !!!

Anyone applied 485 without emp letter and did not get an RFE ?

Though I am employed, I am not likely to get a corresponding emp letter from employer, because they filed my labor with a different job title and desc.

I am already 3 months into 485 processing (did not submit Emp Leter). Had my FP done last week.....

What are my options, should i stay with the same company or should I change after 6 months is over. Any suggestions are welcome.

I see what you are saying, but do we really LOVE this country?

or do we love the opportunities that this country has to offer? Let
us not kid ourselves. If tomorrow, if a different country can offer
better opportunities, then we will start LOVING that country.

Having said that, we should not pay the kind of price that we have
been paying in this immigration process. It is frustrating. We will the asset to the country, as we do not go on welfare and be a burden to others. We deserve the immigration more than anybody. My opinion of course.
I dont love the country

I respect this country as I would respect many countries, few exceptions are always there anyways, but I cannot love any country apart from where we I was born. I love the opportunities here and love the life in my birth country, is it is IBCD problem, a bit different from ABCD I guess.
It is just the green bills that I\'m here.....

If the exchange rate falls or the US economy goes in the toilet, I\'m out of here
immediately......I\'ve seen a lot of double standards here among people, employers, ladies etc....
Love This Country!!!

I agree with stirumala and dontcare that we are here for the love of the oppurtunities this country offers. When I cannot identify myself on cultural, social,racial or even religious grounds with this country how can one love it. However, as an aspiring immigrant I\'am willing to fulfill my obligations to this country.
   It is sad to note the crap we go through to become GCs. I wish we had the courage to tell INS how they suck instead of discussing among ourselves. This is due to Newton\'s modified third law of Immigration which states: "For every frustrated immigrant who gives up and leaves there are infinite aspiring immigrants ready to take replace him". So, guys hang in there and one day our turn will come.
  Good Luck to all of us.
calm down guys!

I am one of the guys who stuck in I-140, then now I-485 again. The waiting is really frustrating. But let\'s be reasonable. It\'s their country. It\'s us who selected this country, not this country who selected us. It\'s your own decision, this country don\'t have to welcome you warmly. Theoretically everyone knows that immigrants contribute a lot to this country. But as individual, if any of us pack and go back to our own country tomorrow, does it do any harm to this country? does anyone really care? The truth is you are trying to fulfil your dream here. It\'s not the case that you contributed to this country and didn\'t get anything back in return. We are lucky that we already got this stage. The process is totally out of our control, why don\'t we try to be happen and patient?

Once I heard my friend told me the directors of the service centers only earn 40K something a year. I never bother to confirm it. But I knew the form FBI director, who earned 100K something, resigned to work for some commercial company to earn "tuition for his kids". I guess it\'s almost true. So what about IIOs? If it\'s you who are the IIO who earns no more than 40K, are you motivated to process the applications efficiently? Are you really want to help those immigrants who could earn double of your salary? Are your eager to give the freedom to those immigrant whose kids can afford better education than yours?
No Title

IIOs can choose to be engineers, artists, investment bankers .. anything they want. Why did they choose this profession? Did this profession select them? If you can make 100k per year, you have probably invested a lot more than those IIOs in your education, training and you probably work harder. Come on, be a little realistic. Do you want to use our tax money to pay these IIOs 100K a year so that they can be nicer to you? Whose side are you on? By the way, who created jobs for those IIOs? Had there not been immigrants like you and me, they would probably need to find another job.
I do not understand what you are crying about....

The minute you left your country and stepped into this country (or any other country for that matter) you sacrifice your privileges to some extend. You decided that the benefits (dollars, life style, opportunities etc.) far outweigh the losses (family, culture etc). Further when you decided to start your GC process you very well knew the process is painstakingly slow and the wait was frustrating. Yet you entered into this despite the knowledge that your career would be affected, that you will be ill-treated by your employee, cost, mental anguish etc. You did this because you thought that a GC here will have more value than all this indignations. So buck and stop being an hypocrite.

If you really think this is unfair, join together and take this in-efficient department to court and get redressal. But I betcha that none of us (including me) has the guts to do it. We want this GC at all cost. Some are willing to accept the truth and live with it and some just pretend that the "cost" is unfair and unjust.
Off course we have a reason to complain!

Granted we r aliens here! Though not 100% true, granted it doesnt hurt this country if u or I decide to walk away (but definitely true if ALL of us walk away though the probability of that happening is zip!) But if the IIO or some other XYZ isnt getting paid enough and hence he/she wants to take it out on me is something that I cannot live with! Think of it - the guy in IRS or the street cop is so prompt and efficient (god bless them - this efficiency is one reason why this country is so good and consequently u & I r here) in their actions (am assuming u filed taxes here and had ventured out on to roads atleast a few times!) and I am sure neither of them is paid great (atleast not as good as u & I are - any doubts there?)
The whole process of GC **COULD BE EFFICIENT** and it isnt and that is my complaint. Frankly if the problem of INS is money, let them charge a higher amount and deliver prompt service - I dont mind shelling down 25K without a blink for I know once I get the damn GC, I can make N times that amount! Yes I am intelligent, hard working and hence I want the quality of life that I deserve - can anyone deny me that? Just had I born in a place a few latitudes away on Earth then where I did (in US instead of India - BTW I have nothing against India - as a matter of fact am considering going back after a few years!), all these qualities which are cherished and worshipped here in this land of oppertunity, amount to nothing! And as someone said, our lives are locked away in a steel cupboard in a government office untill some frustrated guy acts on it at his own convenience!
Sure nobody has asked me to apply for GC - I am doing it on my own. But as with any service, I want a better quality of service and am willing to pay (or comply with whatever creiteria -zero traffic tickets, prestine credit history - anything after all, is decided for the better service). Is there someone to listen?
Guys Hang in there..

I recently got my approval and I read this entire thread and agree whatever mentioned in previous threads.

Yes its painful process. For me it took 2 years and 8 months from the date I sent my documents to lawyer for Labor to my approval notice.So many frustrations and worries but when you hear those magic words "This case has been approved" you will really fly and you will forget about the pains,sorrows and worries you had and start thinking what\'s next what should I do like those.

Regarding IIO even I thought like everyone mentioned when my processing was going but think how many different cases, VISA types and how many problems with just documents they have to decide your case. They are also human beings they are not just adjucating I-485 think other type cases so it will take time.But certainly it will happen its all mater how long you have to wait.

But the rule says "You have to wait and wait is longer than you anticipated" we all accepted this before we started so just hang in there look this board which is one of the best board where everyone help others, share the worries,pain. This group also will help when you will see light at the end of the tunnel how far you are from the end of tunnel. If you believe in god Pray certainly it will help.

Last 2 years see how many became immigrants check Total of 646,568 in 1999 and 849,807 in 2000 out of which 56,817 in 1999 and 107,024 in 2000 just employment based.INS is doing its best. From this figures surely you can bet the figures for 2001 is more than this and between 1999 and 2000 the employment based approval is almost doubled. INS is also doing their level best.Instead of just putting blame on INS just wait they were trying what they can.

Good Luck guys..Your days are not so day certainly you will hear those magic words certainly you will love and will forget everything belive me so hang in there...