jaxen or dinnu,please help on AC-21


Registered Users (C)
Look like my employer is going to let BCIS know that I am no longer with them. In that situation, how soon I have to find another simialr job? What is the grace period? My attotney said that I have to find one right away with same salary. But you know how hard it will be. Are there any requirements for the new company? i.e., the financial background of new company--how many employees and how much revenue?

Anyone in a similar boat please pass your experiences.

Thanks a lot. You know what kind of miserable situation I am in now.

PD: 02/99; RD/ND: 04/02; FP: 06/03.

i am sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately there are no clear regulations about the grace period. But I think your attorney is correct, u need to find another job as soon as possible. If i were u, i wouldn't worry about the size of the company right now. Just accept any offer (with similar job description and salary) that is available right now (may be at your friends consulting company...) and then look for other opportunities. In my opinion, INS will try to find out about the size of your employer by issuing an RFE when they actually open your case, which may take a few months. Just hang in there and everything will be alright by god's grace.
Thanks again for your kind and prompt help as you did last time. I think I can work out something with my friend's company. But do you or anybody else know that I can change to another company several months later if another real good offer jump in? Did any body get a RFE for the fininacial background and work similarity for the new company? Or it's will be OK just provide the paycheck and offer letter of the new company? Do I have to try to get paycheck right away or 1 month later?

Man, it's such a painful journey. four and half years and it's still counting....Wish the final result will be OK.

Thanks again for you all. Your guys' help are so precious at this situation.