************** Jan. Chennai CP Part II ****************

Rajesh Paul

Registered Users (C)

Since we are such good chatter boxes, the other thread has become very long. So thought we can continue chatting away over here :) Thanks for the suggestion Sup.
Lister does not need an appointment letter. Dr. and consulate accept print outs.

In case if you do not recdeive P-4.
Lab Test (Lister) and Medical Checkup done in Chennai on 2nd Jan 2002


It\'s me, Meecheegun. I now have a new login name (I forgot my old password).
I got done with Lister Lab, Immigration Photos (Shanmugam - Opp. Chola Sheraton) and Medical Checkup (Dr. Vijayalakshmi) at Chennai on the 2nd of January 2002.

Lister Lab

Very professional. They know exactly what to do. Go to building number 13 not the main office. Can eat breakfast before test. They draw blood and take chest X-Ray. I was there at 8:00am. Was out by 8:20am. Remember to take a regular passport size photograph to Lister Lab. Lister charges Rs.600 per person.

Konica Express (Opp. Chola Sheraton - Shanmugam)

Reached there at 8:45am. Had to wait until 9:30am as they open only at that time. Rs. 100 for 8 copies. They take about 15-30 minutes to give you the prints. You can hangout at an internet cafe which is located a couple buildings away. Good coffee.

Medical Checkup

Lister Lab delivered my reports by 4:00pm. Went to Padma Nursing home. Waited until 5:15pm. Another couple (Mr. B P and his wife) were waiting there too. Their interview was on 4th Jan. Mine is later in the month. Dr. Vijayalakshi is very professional and polite. She accepts immunization records. She checked me first (had to take shirt and socks off). Then she checked my wife. She told us that both were normal and hence no problem. Since I didn\'t take MMR shot in the US, she gave me a shot on my left arm. Dr. V charges Rs. 450 per person and Rs. 150 for the MMR shot. We were out of there by 5:45pm. She gave us unsealed envelopes containing medical report. Remember to take a passport size photo to Dr. V

That\'s all for now friends. More updates later.

Deccan Herald newspaper reports no PCC required before Jan 31st.
Thanks Sup!

You sure about this one...my whole India trip schedule will be messed up if Lister insists on the appt. letter.

Meech..can you confirm?
Received Appt letter today.

I received my Appt letter today (Jan 5th), sent to my home address here in the US. I have my CP interview scheduled for the 18th of Jan. I\'m arriving at Chennai on the 15th.

For anyone still waiting for the letter..don\'t give up hope, there\'s still a possibility that you\'ll receive it before your interview date.
Hi Friend,

I expect an interview in Feb. Is it possible for you to pass on the Konica\'s telephone no please...

Also, I was wondering how do we take cash from here? Are u guys depending on ATMs in India? Must be sounding like a stupid question...but please could you give us some inputs here...

Try Travellers Cheques

You can get American Express Travellers Cheques and cash them at the airport or at any well known bank. You will just need to show your passport. If you are a AAA member, you can get the free from AAA.
No Title

Hi guys
I have been on the road from Dec 25th till now. I went to lister on 5th. I went at about 12:30pm so they refused to give me results the same evening. So I am going to Dr. Vijayalakshmi on 8th afternoon.
Lister asks for appt letter, passport photo and Rs. 600 per person. Kids below 15 years are exempt from testing. My interview is on 15th.
 Regards money, I brought cashier\'s checks that I got credit from a local bank (where I have NRE account)at about .75% interest. I am not suggesting that is the cheapest route, but it was convenient for me. My credit union gave me these checks for free.
I will post further details after meeting Dr. Vijayalkshmi.
Kids - at lister lab

Hi tanani,

Please do clarify that whether it is required to take kids to the lister lab or not. (kids below 15). Also let me know can we sign on the immigartion photos for kids.

Recd Interview Letter at US address, Pkt 4 not enclosed

Have any of the others who recd their appt letters recd pkt 4?

Pl. reply
No Title

They won\'t include Packet 4 when its sent to US address. Download the forms from web.

I suppose you need not take your children to Lister. I am not sure about the signing of immigration photos.
why not just carry some cash ?

A couple of hundred dollars should do for your immediate needs. You can change these at the airport itself. You can Trav Checks, but some places create a fuss for encashing these. another option would be to wire money to any NR account you may have set up. ATMs, credit card withdrawals are available but can turn out to be pretty expensive (don;t forget the cash advance and foreign currency charges). But nothing as convenient as cold hard cash, just that it is risky and cumbersome to carry around (especially if you have a sackful of it :)). A mix of all the above would be best, I guess.
Thanks Meech / tanani for sharing your experiences

What\'s the weather like in Chennai ? Looking forwad to hearing more.
No Title

I have a kid who is 3 years old (not applying for immigration) and was wondering if you guys know if they let kids in or not? Thank you
No Appt Letter still - any way around it?

My Appt is on Jan 30th and I ahvent received my Appt. Letter.
Is there a way around it? Can I get the online printout with my case number? Iam leaving for India on 15th and this is if I dont get the appointment letter by then.

Any info on this will be a great help thansk.
No I have not.

Iam not sure how all this is going out work out.
The medical exam - is ok without the appt.letter.
But Iam not sure aboute the entry into the consulate- will they accept a web printout?
My attorney is still waiting for my appointment letter.
Sackful!! :))

I can fill the sack with these stupid documents, I don\'t know about cash though..

Well, are u suggesting here that, we take some couple of hundred dollars hard cash, and rest of the money in travellers checks?!.
If so, could you please give me some idea where do I convert these trav. checks and how much can we expect in exchange ratio?

Must be a stupid question for you, but I had not been to India, after I came to US so far.....hence...