Jan 2002 Case:Talk to NSC


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Hi All

You people have any idea when the Jan 2002 case will assign to officer. B’coz what I found after calling them they are not ready to tell me any thing about the file status. They told me that they received my FP and they are right now in Aug'01 stage. So they cannot tell me when that will assign to officer.

But Today I found in RUPNET that there is a REF case, which has updated today with Jan’02 received date.

I do not know what my case will be assigned but I know that I may be laid off after July this year. So I'm very much concern about my case.

Hey Pork Chop or ImmigrationUSA you people are doing some kind of analysis. Could you please tell me how much time it will take? OR when do I receive any kind of REF?

Thanks in Advance.........
hey, dude, your guess is as good as mine. we have seen in the past that "linear extrapolations" do not work well with the INS/BCIS model of working. :)
I do not think 02-105 is a January, 2002 RD / ND. Most likely it is February 7, 2002 and all the dates in rupnet for this entry looks very unreal.


Thanks pork Chop and ImmigrationUSA for your replay..............

Actually I think receipt number is correct because mine is lin-02-098
series and it has last week of Jan'02. So it seems to be possible.

But I do not understand If NSC has already started process for Dec'01
as per ImmigarionUSA. Why there is not a single entry in RUPNET. I
think they are processing I-485 case and it’s for some different type of I-485.

Actually I do not have much idea about this but I do believe on ImmigartionUSA
analysis that they are processing Dec'01 case. But I do not know why there is not
a single entry in RUPNET.

Even if we know they are processing Dec'01 then also we cannot do any thing about
this that why they are not processing RUPNET's cases. So Hope for the Best..............

Best of Luck to every one. ............
