Jan 02 RFE case transferred


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I recently got RFE (on July 30) on my I-485 case and they just asked for employment letter. I provided the employment letter and today my case has been transferred to loacl BCIS office in Okalhoma City. Mine is a EB1 case and changed job after 180 days and moved from New York to OKlahoma. Could this be the reason for transfer?

Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to schedule an interview in OKlahoma City? I appreciate any comments regarding this.

Thank you for your reply. Yes it is as an Extraordinary ability case. I wonder why they ask for RFE if they want to transfer the case.
Originally posted by kmysore02
I recently got RFE (on July 30) on my I-485 case and they just asked for employment letter. I provided the employment letter and today my case has been transferred to loacl BCIS office in Okalhoma City. Mine is a EB1 case and changed job after 180 days and moved from New York to OKlahoma. Could this be the reason for transfer?

Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to schedule an interview in OKlahoma City? I appreciate any comments regarding this.


As the AILA media relations person put it in "kashmir's" post, it is a travesty to treat EB I-485 applicants this way and especially EB1.
Let us all join our forces and do something.
I'm just curious. What was the RD date for your RFE? When did you file AC21? and, ofcourse when was your case transfeered to local? Please reply.

RFE was issued on July30. I received RFE by mail on Aug 5. RFE received by BCIS on Aug 8. Case was ternsferred on July 25.

I did not file AC21. There is no such form to file. I told them about address change some time in April 2003.
My fingerpring will expire in a month. Do I have to do second FP even if the case is transferred to local office? Who will generate the second FP? Is it going to be Vermont center or local office? Please let me know the answers if you know.

Does anyone know how long it will take to schedule an interview in Oklahoma City?

I remember you from another thread AC21 for EB1.... Sorry to hear about the transfer. I think you can call OKlahoma City local BCIS office to know the approximate time it will take.

What was your RFE about? I think EB1 Extraordinary ability can be self sponsored and do not require any job.


My RFE was for employment letter. If they want to tranfer my case why ask for RFE? Very strange.
By definition, for EB1 (sub category 1) - Extraordinary Ability the applicants don't need to be employed, unlike the other 2 subcategories EB1-OR and EB1-Managers.

Why did BCIS want employment evidence since technically they cannot reject 485 based on the employment? What are they drinking? If they reject anyone EB1-1 cases, the applicants can sue BCIS.

Again this shows incompetence and inefficiency of BCIS adjudicators.

Come on, BCIS, wake up and stop this bullshit which slows down the whole process. They started to tell people the process time is 20-21 months already - ridiculous. 21-22 months next month? 22-23 the month after…..?

Long live 485!!!!!!

Waht can we do Cinta?

Originally posted by cinta

As the AILA media relations person put it in "kashmir's" post, it is a travesty to treat EB I-485 applicants this way and especially EB1.
Let us all join our forces and do something.

They didn't necessarily ask for employment letter. They asked to show some sort of proof that I can support myself and family without being a burden to the U.S. One of the option was to send an employment letter with salary or to show a bank statement with sufficient funds (not sure how much).

Whatever it is there was absolutely no reason to tranfer to local office. It is really frustrating.

OK, let's say the applicants don't have a job and only have enough money for next 6 months. So what? The persons with Extraordinary Ability can get a job and support themselves in future. GC is for future! Unless out of sudden USA drops to a 4th world country (behind the 3rd world), these people can survive!

The freaking REF and transfer of your case (& many others) are totally waste of time and BCIS resources, which only contributes to prolong the process time.

Originally posted by kmysore02

They didn't necessarily ask for employment letter. They asked to show some sort of proof that I can support myself and family without being a burden to the U.S. One of the option was to send an employment letter with salary or to show a bank statement with sufficient funds (not sure how much).

Whatever it is there was absolutely no reason to tranfer to local office. It is really frustrating.
to kmysore02

What kind of employment letter do they ask you? Do they indicate date of hire, or prospects for continued employment, these kind of things? For me, they asked these things.
What kind of letter do you provide? Do you indicate "permanent" or these kind of words?
Would you like to share your information?
date of hire, duty, remuneration. prospects of continued employment
Please give me some advice on the letter, can the letter ignor "prospects of continued employment", just say full time sr. research associate.
Please advise.
what is the chance the case will be transferred again after RFE?

Were you self sponsored or company sponsored, Extraordinary Ability or Outstanding Researcher? Looks like they are trying to verify your current responsibility with the area of activity mentioned in I140.

I would say send 'technically convincing' reply that shows your excellence. If not mentioning the position as 'permanent' try to show as your employer is willing to retain you for long time.

employment letter

what is the proper wording for continued employment if this should be included in the employment letter? can some English expert give a example?
For EB1 outstanding researcher, what is the percentage that case is transfered to local office after receiving RFE?
What kind of documents do they require on interview?
Do they need employment letter again?
Please calrify, gurus.