jaibharat, INS_SUCK, NET, "garamkutta" , MChandra are bogus


Registered Users (C)
The same guy with different ids. These ids never posted in this forum before and support each other posting with discouraging and misleading info.

Please check the source before you post your response to shaky/suspicious posting. (click on user id to check history)

Please don\'t respond to them, just ignore. Let "garamkutta _MBA _wife" bark!
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You all that are questioning the postings of real people are sick and frustrated because you yourself are screwed and others are successful so do not challange some ones posting.
Worry about your ass
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MChandra your thinking make some sense cauz I posted my real life posting and some idiot like kvkv said it is false they are jealous of our success
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If any body posts any message about my self will be liable for legal action psecially kvkv how dare you call us liar you sucker
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bogus are back and parking.... COOL.

(I posted on DEC\'19, Only today (2pm to 2.45pm) all bogus ids are responding because all ids are belongs to the same guy)
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Why do you call me BOGOUS ? I am a real man. I have never posted any false infomation. I may have agreed to something which eventually might have turned wrong, but I have not myself posted anything wrong.
I don\'t know about other id\'s they are different people. I don\'t post messages as frequently as other guys but I am a quiet watcher of this chat board. Also 5-6 times I have posted my messages. You can find them by search. I am a client of Rajiv Khanna and he has helped me a lot. I have respect for him.

 If you want to discuss anything with me you can send me an email at sureshjoshi@hotmail.com or call me on 703-770-4134. My cards are open. I can give you every detail of my case and THIS IS MY OPEN CHALLENGE. Please show some decency to verify the things before you make such comments. I can sue you.

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Don\'t put your real email address/ phone number on this board. I know you are hurt but sharing your personal information may bring you more harm. This site is free to everyone and one shouldn\'t bother about some negative postings made by others. Relax man.
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Hey Garam cool down man, the posting is not criticising you it is criticising garamkutta_MBA_wife which is a totally different name its not you, and even at the off chance that it might be aimed at you please take it coolly because there was some false information published and people vented out as a result, on top of the frustration of wait. If you are real then it is important that you believe in that and don\'t care for others because others are not important.
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I totally agree with Chutney. The only way for people, who dont pay close attention, to know that some ids are bogus, is for those who find out any bogus information and let the others know. If you indeed are not bogus, just relax and let the guy know. If serious and honest users of the site get mad, it is not going to do any good and is only going to help the bogus ones.... my 2 cents.