J1s for Third Country Nationals


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone know whether it is possible to obtain a J1 physician visa from a country other than that of one's citizenship if one is legally residing in (but not necessarily a citizen/permanent of) a third country?

Any comments would be appreciated.

Yes, it is possible. I know an israeli who got his 'letter of need' from ukraine. However, you have to be aware of the fact that by declaring that the third country as your 'place of last permanent residency', you are obliged to serve your HRR in that country. So, before you bribe some official in Tchad to give you the letter, make sure you could bear working there for 2 years if you can't get a waiver.
The letter of need will still have to come from my home country. Need to obtain J1 visa from third country is because I do not currently reside in my home country. As for the 2 year home country requirement, personally I would not have a problem with spending that time in either country of current residence, or country of citizenship.

An anecdote, however....

The 2 year home country requirement has sometimes been written as "......country of last legal residence" and also "......country of last legal permanent residence" .....which is what prompted my question, i.e. if you are legally residing in, but not a citizen/permanent resident of a third country, can you still obtain a physician J1 visa from there?

If you have been following this forum:) ... you must have got the feeling that H1 is much better that J1.... if you did... you're correct:) .... why not go for H1... I know you said you don't have problem going back for 2 years... but things change and try for H1.... this will have more options for you at the end of your residency...
Ok. So what you are saying is that you will apply for the DS2091 through your home country goverment and that you will state your home country as country of last residence. Your question is related to the consular post that you will go to for the J1 stamping ?
although there are certain disadvantages to the h1 over the j1, your points on the h1 are valid. for other reasons, i have cleared step 3 and only considered programs willing to sponsor h1s. only recently, however, my program, has unexpectedly, and somewhat deceptively, might i add, decided to sponsor j1s only. i'm still trying to figure out what can be done about this. in the meanwhile, however, i wanted stay well informed on the j1.

with regards to the j1, my question is simple:

my noc would be from my home country. however, as i am currently residing in a different country, i would have to apply for the j1 visa from there. will that be possible?
> only recently, however, my program, has unexpectedly, and
> somewhat deceptively, might i add, decided to sponsor j1s only.
> i'm still trying to figure out what can be done about this. in the
> meanwhile, however, i wanted stay well informed on the j1.


Let that job go if they don't want to do H1b.

> my noc would be from my home country. however, as i am
> currently residing in a different country, i would have to apply
> for the j1 visa from there. will that be possible?

I believe that this shouldn't be a problem. It might take a couple of days or weeks longer as they might contact the consulate in your home country to do the background checks on you (calling up your 'references', checking your passport# against the local database of stolen identity documents). Also, you will have the problem that for a J1 you have to show 'attachment' in your home country or somewhere outside of the US.
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I dont think you will have any problems.I came to the US 6 years ago after spending 6 years as an SHO(senior house officer) in the UK.where I was a legal non permanent resident(or slave!!). Add that to my 6 more years as a resident in the U.S and you have a "professional resident physician" :p My "legal" country of residence is Nigeria,but I did not have a problem obtaining a JI visa from the US consulate in London.
I would certainly have preferred for the 2 year home residency reqirement to be for the U.K(as you can imagine why!) but as you rightly pointed out the 2 year home reqirement is for the last country of legal permanent resident or country of origin.
now, how long does this last legal residency need to be?
are you required to have actually graduated from med school in this third country?
what if the third country (like the UK) doesn't want to issue a statement of need?
The reason why I ask is because I will have to leave the US inbetween residencies (switched from gen surg to ENT, but I start until 2006). I will likely go to Europe, where I am also citizen of. Would that work? I will be there for a couple of months only (like 10).
now, does this time count towards your HRR?
too many questions... I'm sorry...