J1 waiver is taking very long...worried


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Hi everyone,
i have been reading everyone's cases about J1 issue for a long time now,
here is the timeline of my J1 process.

No Objection Statement - Received March 22, 2007
Incomplete Information Letter - Sent December 04, 2006
Fee Received July 10, 2006
Form DS-3035 Received July 10, 2006
Form DS-2019 Received July 10, 2006
Passport Data Page Received July 10, 2006
Statement Of Reason Received July 10, 2006
Form G-28 Received July 10, 2006

Basically i started this process a year ago.

Now, my education here was sponsored by my government through ACCELS. ( I guess accels was an intermediate agency)
today is June 13th, almost three months past and i am still waiting.
Today when I called the Dos they told me that they have prepared a letter to accels some kind of questionery or something like that, but it does not indicate anything in the web site.
This is really freaking me out. I have no idea why now they have to contact accels, and this is probably prolong my wait for another year probably.
when i called them previously they told me they had everything they needed, and now this!.
Can any one advise me or suggest what should I do in order to speed up this process, i really need this for my up-coming August interview.

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more information poseted

OK, there was a new posting today on my case:

Request for Sponsor Views Sent June 13, 2007
Sponsor Views Requested June 13, 2007

can anyone tell me:
What the heck is "Sponsor view"?
How long this one will take?
Who this letter is sent to?
is there anything i can do to speed this up?
any other things I should be aware about this new post?
I apologize for asking so much questions, but i am really getting aggravated by the way Dos is working so slow.

thanks for your help in advance.

OK, there was a new posting today on my case:

Request for Sponsor Views Sent June 13, 2007
Sponsor Views Requested June 13, 2007

can anyone tell me:
What the heck is "Sponsor view"?
How long this one will take?
Who this letter is sent to?
is there anything i can do to speed this up?
any other things I should be aware about this new post?
I apologize for asking so much questions, but i am really getting aggravated by the way Dos is working so slow.

thanks for your help in advance.


Can you please tell me on what basis you are claiming J-waiver - NOC from home govt...Were you sponsored by fullbright?
government sponsored

I was sponsored by my government, which i repaid them back in order to get the no objection from the embassy.
Honestly, i don't quite know what fullbright is.
From what I found out Sponsor View is sent only when my education is funded by US agency. Is that true?
In that case i have no idea why Dos requesting Sponsor view from ACCELS.
As I said my education was fully funded by my government, ACCELS was an agency between my government and University. (My government gives money to access and accels gives money to university etc.) I paid off all the money I owed to my sponsor, then they gave me a letter which i had to send to Embassy here at DC, which in return gave me NOS.
I am really confused right now as what to do next?
who should i call?

Hi Kolya,

what phone number did you used to talk to DOS people regarding your waiver application? Could you please post the number here?

what other visa have you applied for ?
F-1 ?? H-1 ???

on another note while having a F-1 visa is it safe to drive close to the Mexican border ? .. as in the Border Patrol checkpoints ? if i have the I-797 that shows that my case is pending , AM I going to be ok , or arrest me .
i think your question is not relevant to this thread, may be you wanted to reply to another post?
But, anyways I have not applied to any other visa, I am just adjusting my status through my wife who is US citizen.
And regarding your other question, i have no idea, i can just tell you to be careful there.
thank you , indeed one year its a very long time for a waiver , mine took 3 months , and from what i understand it took less , but DOS did not receive the first time my embassy sent it to them with no objection so i had to ask my consulate to refax it
Request for Sponsor Views Sent June 13, 2007
that means that they will contact your sponsor (your govt) to see if they have any objections. Or ACCELS, in which case there will probably be some objections.
What do you mean by "in which case there will probably be some objections"?
ACCELS did not pay for my education, why would they object?

"they will contact your sponsor (your govt) to see if they have any objections"

wasn't the No Objection statement from Embassy enough?
looks like the DOS works in strange way...
status updated...

looks like they have received the sponsor view.
Status has been updated:

Sponsor Views Received July 10, 2007
Request for Sponsor Views Sent June 13, 2007
No Objection Statement Received March 22, 2007
Incomplete Information Letter Sent December 04, 2006
Fee Received July 10, 2006
Form DS-3035 Received July 10, 2006
Form DS-2019 Received July 10, 2006
Passport Data Page Received July 10, 2006
Statement Of Reason Received July 10, 2006
Form G-28 Received July 10, 2006

I kept in touch with people at ACCELS, and they were very nice, and sent the response letter to DOS very quickly,
Now, i guess i would have to wait another 8 weeks for DOS to make a decision.
I saw some people got the result the day the sponsor view was received, looks like I am in bad luck.

i thought I would share this information.


OK, there was a new posting today on my case:

Request for Sponsor Views Sent June 13, 2007
Sponsor Views Requested June 13, 2007

can anyone tell me:
What the heck is "Sponsor view"?
How long this one will take?
Who this letter is sent to?
is there anything i can do to speed this up?
any other things I should be aware about this new post?
I apologize for asking so much questions, but i am really getting aggravated by the way Dos is working so slow.

thanks for your help in advance.

Favorable Recomendation from DOS

Finally the DOS has updated their website with Recommendation sent as of July 10th of 2007.
One of the happiest moments of my life.

Would like to wish good luck to others who are in the process of getting J1 waiver.
Hello koyla,
I can tell that before the second week in August 2007, you will get your recommendation and before the end of the month, your final approval will be at your postal box..The delay is caused by the lateness of your NOS to the DOS...Because if your docs were not completed there is nothing DOS will do and the packet will be left unattended to until you fulfill the other requirement which is the NOS that you send later in 2007..Be patient and you will be amazed when you receive it this month of august.

Congrats on your waiver. What kind of program was it through ACCELS that was not paid by US government, I was on a program through accels and it was fully funded by US government. If I understood correctly you reimbursed you gov't for the program? How did you do that, I mean what are the steps. From you name/program I assume that you are from one of the former soviet countries, which one is it. Thanks for your time.