J1 Visa's Stepson to US, How?


New Member
Hi, I am holding a J1 Visa in US. I will have my soon to be wife come to US with a J2 visa. I also wanted to bring my future stepson to US. What kind of procedures are required? Thanks,
Hi, I am holding a J1 Visa in US. I will have my soon to be wife come to US with a J2 visa. I also wanted to bring my future stepson to US. What kind of procedures are required? Thanks,

Start from the place you work with, they fill J2 paper work for you, send it to your family, they go to the consulate, apply for visa after paying fees and filling the forms and that is all. Hopefully they will receive the visa before you finish the J1. I am not sure if the stepson is allowed to be in or not, may be not.
Should I go through an adoption process before I can bring him here? Thanks!

Adoption process is MOSTLY for USC and very time consuming (take months may be years), has certain level of housing, income .........etc with many social authority working on that. I do not thing temporary visa holder can go with that at all.