J1 Summer Visa


New Member
So I'm a recent grad from Canada and would love to get down to the states for a bit. I was looking at my school's site, and they have something that they call a J1 summer visa. Good for 4 months, and the very attractive thing is that no job is prerequired. http://www.swap.ca/english/html/glance/fs_usa.htm

Does anyone know anything more about this Visa? Is it possible to get outside the constriction of the school? I would prefer not to deal with them if posible, 1) because it seems they just file paperwork for you at double the cost, 2) you're forced to buy their means of travel, and 3) I'd rather deal directly with the authorities rather then introduce an intermediary.

Are there any other visas like this? Short term and freedom of movement? I'm also looking at the TN, however even still a lot of companies don't want to deal with it. Literally going from 'very interested lets interview' to 'sorry stop wasting my phone minutes' The existing job-offer caveat is a killer.
you have to go through an agency that is authorized to issue a form DS-2019 for your Work and Travel J-1 (it's not called "J-1 summer visa"). There are plenty of agencies out there, and they all charge money for their services.

A job offer is required most of the time before the visa can be issued.