J1 research to J1 clinical


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I am working on a J1 research visa for 17 months. I got waiver of my HRR. Now I got a residency position in a program accepting ECFMG sponsored J1 (clinical) visa. Under these circumstances is it possible to change to J1 clinical visa? Otherwise should I have to change to some F1 visa and then try to change to J1 clinical after a month or so? What would be my best choice? I would greatly appreciate your help in this regards. Thanks.
J-1 resarch to J-1 clinical

I would soon face this same problem, changing status from J-1 research to J-1 clinical.

I was wondering if you found your way or not. According to my readings, this process requires Dept of State approval (waiver) and ECFMG sends the application to Dept of State for approval directly. Your concerned residency program and GME should show that your is an exceptional case.

Please let me know...... I really need to know in advance..

J1 research to clinical

This is definitively possible, but unfortunately it takes a long time to get approved, and there is always the possibility it might not get approved by the DOS.
Is this for the Academic yeasr 2006-2007? If so, I can tell you right now you will not get it approved on time for the July 1 start.
If it is for next year, then you are ahead of the game.
You apply for J-1 sponsorhip through ECFMG, they get back to you with a request for some additional documentation, like a letter explaining why you want to switch categories, stressing why it makes sense to move from research to a clinical specialty in a field related to your research.
The ECFMG then submits everything to the DOS, and from there it takes several months (in my case, about 4 months) until to find out about the final decision.
The ECFMG has DOS case managers, and they are pretty much the only person you will be able to contact to find out what the staus of your application is. The DOS communicates only with this person.
Good luck!