j1- question about spouse

Dear all members,
I am planning to apply for J1 visa, here at Mumbai consulate,
I am still in intial stage for getting J1

Now, my question is, i am single right now,
but i am planning to get married before, i get my DS2019, so i can mention in my application form that i am married.
now, when my DS2019 arrives, and i go to mumbai consulate for entry visa,
what happens with my wife,
does she comes with me at the same time for interview at mumbai consulate.

i am just worried about my future wife, as i would like to take her with me

please all members, who have some knowledge can you please guide me as to what is the procedure regarding wife to get her J2

thanking you in advance

If you are not married NOW how can you report that you are married? This is fraud. Report your current situation right now. You can apply for spouse after marriage and she will have here own procedure (interview if any, stamp, security check ....etc) Or you can wait till you marry then start your procedure together
thanks for your reply-mmed

first of all let me clear, your wrong thinking,
i am just planning and getting advice of people who have expiernce those situation
i am just thinking of applying for J1, but my question was, weather if it is easier to apply for J1 after getting married or without being married
i just want to know, what is the procedure if i get married before my J1, can my future spouse come to mumbai consulate for her J2
thank you
thanks for your reply-mmed

first of all let me clear, your wrong thinking,
i am just planning and getting advice of people who have expiernce those situation
i am just thinking of applying for J1, but my question was, weather if it is easier to apply for J1 after getting married or without being married
i just want to know, what is the procedure if i get married before my J1, can my future spouse come to mumbai consulate for her J2
thank you

Yes it is much easier if you marry then apply for J1 and J2 at the same package. you will have interview at the same time, visa stamp with each other and so on in most cases. There are few cases where the J1 get the visa and the spouse delay but this is not the norm. If you apply by your self, then get married the situation may be harsh to the extent that you may finish your mission in US and your spouse is waiting for her visa.