J1 from an H4, pls help. Extension of H4 due too.


New Member
Dear Frnds at this forum,

I am on H4 since 2008 after giving up a 3+ years of Biotech job and now that I have been offered a J1 Trianee visa on a project at YALE university . I am in dilemma---

1. It seems like a risk that I go back to my home country and apply for a J visa, which ceratinly has a 2 year Home residency, as that of I know. Considering the skill set and my background. But its a Yale offer and do not wish to lose a chance to work/study legally.

Pls suggest me anyone who has been through this similarly? I mean what type of questions to expect at embassy.

2. My H4 extension is valid till sept 2010. My husband will file his H1B first extension in next month. If approved and I come back from my home country with a J1, will I be eligible for an H4 extension? this is what the J sponsoring organisation tells me that I can still have an H4 visa simlutaneously?
When does my husband file an extension for me in this case?

3. If I am correct to my knwoledge, I cannot move ack to an H4 after an unsucessful attempt at a J1 waiver on my expired J1 visa, right? I am from India and have no good information about difficulty in getting a waiver in my type of cases. Pls suggest as I am in a crunch to deny or accept such a assistanship. You help will be really valuable to me.

Thanks a lot
Dear Frnds at this forum,

I am on H4 since 2008 after giving up a 3+ years of Biotech job and now that I have been offered a J1 Trianee visa on a project at YALE university . I am in dilemma---

1. It seems like a risk that I go back to my home country and apply for a J visa, which ceratinly has a 2 year Home residency, as that of I know. Considering the skill set and my background. But its a Yale offer and do not wish to lose a chance to work/study legally.

Pls suggest me anyone who has been through this similarly? I mean what type of questions to expect at embassy.

2. My H4 extension is valid till sept 2010. My husband will file his H1B first extension in next month. If approved and I come back from my home country with a J1, will I be eligible for an H4 extension? this is what the J sponsoring organisation tells me that I can still have an H4 visa simlutaneously?
When does my husband file an extension for me in this case?

3. If I am correct to my knwoledge, I cannot move ack to an H4 after an unsucessful attempt at a J1 waiver on my expired J1 visa, right? I am from India and have no good information about difficulty in getting a waiver in my type of cases. Pls suggest as I am in a crunch to deny or accept such a assistanship. You help will be really valuable to me.

Thanks a lot

If you switch to J1 from H4, then forget the H visa alltogether do not extend or do anything with it. Now you will start the J visa with its requirement (2 year country for example).
Thanks mmed. I think your right as its difficult to move on any H visas after a J.
Lastly, can I apply for a waiver even on a J1 trainee visa? Its different than a normal J scholar visa. Pls help.
Thanks mmed. I think your right as its difficult to move on any H visas after a J.
Lastly, can I apply for a waiver even on a J1 trainee visa? Its different than a normal J scholar visa. Pls help.

Yes you can start Waiver from any J under the suitable category (no objection, hardship, ......etc)