J1 delay and SEVIS


New Member
I've applied for a J1 visa on June 1st, and my research fellowship start date was July 5th, but my visa is delayed due to administrative processing.
My employer is telling me that if I didnt get the visa within 90 days of the start date, the whole visa application will be cancelled along with the sevis/DS2019. and if that is true, Im screwed.
but I cant find this piece of info anywhere on the web ?? is it true? does anyone experienced such a delay and everything worked out? and how?

Another factor that may delay visa processing is from the name and security checks (INA 212). There are many sections to this procedure and any problems in this area will automatically result in delays and sometimes denials. The first check is done on names for all visa applicants in a system calls CLASS (Consular Lookout and Support System). CLASS utilizes databases from a number of sources that help determine any criminal background or questionable hits on an applicants name. From all the databases (most notably from the FBI and DHS), the name is checked for approval. This can take a long time, especially if the name is common, if there are variations of the spelling, or if the information does not match the passport. The FBI is the department that must adjudicate any CLASS name check disputes.
actually its not the Administrative processing Im worried about, I tried it b4. its the SEVIS thing my program told me about that if I didnt show up after 90 days they have to cancel my DS2019, but again Im thinking that there isnt such a law about that cuz I couldnt find about it anywhere, thats what Im asking about