J1-b1/2-H1 Possible?


New Member
Hello im currently on a J1 extenden visa. In my 1. DS-form Im not subject to the 2 year requirement the second one is not filled out, for it didn't went through the immigration office.
Right now im working on to get my RN license. My RN education from germany was succesfull evaluated.
My concern is I might run out of time. My visa expires on July 15 im not quit sure if I got everything together by than. Im working with a company,therfore i would have a sponser.

My question is can I change my J1 into a tourist visa( to by time) and than change it to a H1? Without leaving the country? Is this possible? If not would could u advise me to do?
can I change my J1 into a tourist visa( to by time) and than change it to a H1? Without leaving the country? Is this possible? If not would could u advise me to do?

You can not change to tourist visa from the states. You can change to H visa in the states if you are not subject to the 2 year home country by not being in the subject group (got money from your home country or US government, you are in the skill list, got fund from international organization ......etc) has nothing to do what is written in the DS or in the visa.
get H you need sponsor and you should start from today, the H is time consuming)
Get O (outstanding) if you qualify (your pay is ~80,000 in addition to many other requirements)
Go back and ask the board to send the license you overseas
Marry USC (if you are single) and ask the spouse to apply for GC for you
Join the US army
May be other options
Thanks for the quick reply.
How do I find out if Iam subjetc to that 2 year thing?
Im an aupair from germany in my 2. year.
Thanks for the quick reply.
How do I find out if Iam subjetc to that 2 year thing?
Im an aupair from germany in my 2. year.

You can apply for advisory opinion electronically on the DOS web site and send the supporting documents, it is free service. Did you entertained other options?
Hi I sent my documents to the dos to get a opinion.
I was thinking to extend my J1. Do I need to be in a programm to do so? I would have a sponsor but it would be privat.Is that possible?

Because getting married and joyning the army are no options for me.
hi my name is sadia i have come in usa in august 2007 on j-1 visa (2 years rules applies )(i have one year visa)as
Montessori teacher i m working on this visa can i get married with green card holder boy or i can only get
married with citizen bcoz i dont want to go back from here and want to get married as soon as possible please
tell me what to do and how to do ???my visa is going to be finished in july 4,2009 i m worry about it
please let me know if u know somthing..my e mail address is sadia_sms@yahoo.com cell no 703-622-9203