J-1 waiver / grant sponsored by former USIA


New Member
Dear Jigesh or anyone else:
I am not sure if you still check this forum but if not may be someone else can help me (this forum doesn't look too active. Guys and girls let's change that and help each other by sharing our experiences)
Here is my visa chronology: J1 (with 2 year HRR) then F-1, then H1-B then F-1 (currently till summer 2004)

The funding of my J1 was done by USIA and it was about $20,000.

Now, how likely is it that I will get the waiver for 2 year HRR if I have a job offer on basis of "NO OBJECTION FROM HOME GOVERNMENT"?

I know that there is no USIA and things are done differently now. Is it still next to impossible to get a waiver on "NO OBJECTION" basis if USIA sponsored the program (USIA paid $20,000 - well beyond $2,000)

Or is there a loophole that allows people in my situation to get a waiver. Technically USIA does not exist any more and there is no way of getting a sponsor "no-objection" letter from them.

I would appreciate any advise on my situation by people who had experiences or heard of one.

Thank you very much.

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If anyone feels reluctant to share about his/her experience for this specific matter in this forum please feel free to e-mail me directly at windcity60637@hotmail.com There is gotta be someone or someone who knows sombody else who dealt with this issue. ANY info would be appreciated. Thank you.

I have a similra situation: J-1 - 1 year, sponsored by a USIA, and the next 5 years - F-1, now I'm getting ready to apply for an H1B. I haven't applied for a waiver yet. You are telling that you had an H1B after an F-1 and then you went back on F-1. Did you have troubles switching from F-1 to H1B without a waiver?

Thank you.
Hi Northbrook

Many people on J-1 do not know much about their own simple cases leave alone complicated cases.People who have passed J-1 stage never return back to this forum to share their experiences. So many people like you and me are left in dark.

Your case looks complicated and the chances of getting No Objection seems difficult because of gov.t funding.
It is in your best interest to contact a senior Lawyer who could say whether your problem can be solved or not. Even if his charges are expensive it is worth it because, you would be guided accurately. Clock is ticking and all J-1 fellows are loosing time.

From this forum you may get information which may lead to several other questions for which no body else knows the correct answers. You may perhaps get frustrated. Many people may read your information but may not be able to answer them .

This is my opinion.