J-1 waiver contract


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Hi everybody
Iam new in this site.I found a hospital that support J-1 waiver, but they don't pay me as same as they pay to other ER doctor over there.between 30-40K less.
Can i do anything about it? Should they prove to DOL that they pay me a fainr amonut of money?
I am going to sign a contract this week, should I ask them to mention something in contract that mentioned they are going to support my my green card process?, what is the best way for me to apply for green card?
Any other point should i know befire signing contract.
I will appreciate if you guys can help me.
> Any other point should i know befire signing contract.

Hold off on signing that contract for the time being.

The employer certifies on the H1b application that they pay you the same salary and benefits as they are paying their citizen employees in the same position. You certainly have a right to the same salary, but if you don't negotiate for it, you won't get it.
A provision in the contract compelling the employer to support your immigration is only worth as much as the employer is actually willing to do so. If they don't want to, it is hard to compel them in court to do so.
But I negotiate with them , they are not going more up than it. As my undrestand they have to show a document to DOL that they pay me same.
Everybody tells me not to negotiate too much.
I don't know what i should to do? there is no more opportunity for ER in this ER ( Actually it is only offer i could find aftefr 4 months.
Is there any form they should fill it that show they pay me as the same .

Second, anyb ody knows how long waiver process is going to last these days
Are you sure you have undertaken an extensive search? Many Rural ERs are still staffed by GPs and Family practitioners and Mid level providers and would generally love to have a board certified/eligible ER doc on their rolls.
Generally you would then be able to negotiate a salary atleast on par if not slightly better than your peers.
Negotiation is a cat and mouse game, they will definitely squeeze you as much as they can knowing you need the waiver.
If I were you I would stall a little on this contract and expand my search to other geographical locations. If you find any other opportunity, you can lean on that to negotiate a fairer deal with this hospital.Try not to undersell yourself now since you are generally going to be unable to look for another opportunity for atleast 3 yrs.
Waivers processing times depend on the state, most are taking about 4-5 months nowadays.
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I started to look for job since Jaunary.I called a lot of agencies. sent my CV to alot of them. After 5 months there is no more job..Most of ER are covered by groups and they don't support waiver.So I have to be hospital empolyee to get waiver.I have some friends in ER with same situation , all of them recomend to accept this job because it is hard to find a job for getting waiver as ER physician.
I called department of health to find out they care about this issue or not? it seems , they don't.Although most of states ask for a document to show they pay same comensation.
Department of labor also doesn't have any specific wage for ER doc.they consider everybody as surgeon ad physician.
ALso anybody can tell me is this a good malpractice insurrance or not:
If not shoud i buy my insurrance???

Employer to procure on her behalf professional liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 to cover services rendered at the Hospital. It is understood and agreed that the provision of tail coverage for the professional liability insurance policy is the responsibility of Empolyer.
> I called a lot of agencies. sent my CV to alot of them. After 5 months
> there is no more job..Most of ER are covered by groups and they don't
> support waiver.

Recruiters are a dead end for waiver jobs. You have to do the footwork yourself.

5 slots per state do NOT have to be located in a HPSA, but serve a HPSA type population. This applies to any US urban trauma center. Have you contacted inner-city hospitals which often have an independent ER group ?

Have you contacted the rural health offices for most of the states. They might not have a very active recruitment effort, but they tend to have contacts with the rural hospitals and know who is independent and who is agency staffed.

When it comes to physician jobs, you get exactly what you negotiate for. These guys have no hard feelings if you negotiate with them. It is not like they walk away if you say you want 30k more or a better termination clause. Also, make sure you get the contract reviewed by a physician contract attorney before you sign. Some of the legalese in these contracts means pretty much the opposite of what it would appear to the lay person.
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