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Dear all,

I am new to this forum and will greatly appreciate any help.

I have been on J-1 status in USA since 2004 but due to unfair circumstances I resigned from my residency progam on December 31, 2008. I had fear of persecution for returning to my home country and decided to seek for political asylum. I applied for asylum on January 29, 2009 (withing 30 days grace period) and took my asylum interview last week and currently waiting for decision.

I am also seeking J-1 hardship waiver based on my US citizen son. My attorny filed DS-3035 to department of state last month but form I-612 still need to be submitted to USCIS.

If I am granted asylum it will make my life much easy and I believe solve all my problems. If I am not granted asylum then I will try to get asylum from immigration court, and then from Board of Appeal and then from federal court. In case I am not granted asylum I will have to find other ways to stay in USA.

I have following questions.

(1) What is my legal status at this time.

(2) If I get J-1 hardship waiver several months from now, will I be eligible to obtaine H-1 based on research.

(3) If I will be eligible for H-1, will I be able to get H-1 while in USA (keeping in mind that my J-1 status expired on January 30, 2009 and my asylum is being processed/pending) OR will I have to go to Canada to get H-1 stamped.

(4) If I would have to go to Canada then what are the chances I will get H-1 (while keeping in mind my J-1 status expired any my asylum being processed).

I will greately appreciate response of any of the members on this forum.

My home country is not Canada, rather I am a citizen of Pakistan.

I will appreciate any answers of my questions.

What does your last I-94 show, date and status wise?

(1) What is my legal status at this time.

(2) If I get J-1 hardship waiver several months from now, will I be eligible to obtaine H-1 based on research.

(3) If I will be eligible for H-1, will I be able to get H-1 while in USA (keeping in mind that my J-1 status expired on January 30, 2009 and my asylum is being processed/pending) OR will I have to go to Canada to get H-1 stamped.

(4) If I would have to go to Canada then what are the chances I will get H-1 (while keeping in mind my J-1 status expired any my asylum being processed).
My last I-94 says J-1 valid for Duration of Status.

But my residency contract was until December 31, 2008 and J-1 stays active with contract. Since I am not employed right now, therefore, not sure what is my status at this time.

Did you have a lawyer take care of your asylum bid? If so, what is his/her view on your chances based on your asylum basis.

My last I-94 says J-1 valid for Duration of Status.

But my residency contract was until December 31, 2008 and J-1 stays active with contract. Since I am not employed right now, therefore, not sure what is my status at this time.

Lawyer filed my asylum application, but she withdrew her presentation just two days before my interview date due to non-payment. I went ahead and took my interview by myself. Lawyer was not with me during interview.

As a matter of fact that lawyer is going to file lawsuit against me due to non-payment. I also hired the same lawyer to file my J-1 waiver. Since I got unemployed and did not have money to make subsequent payments or to pay to other lawyer. Therefore I decided to file my J-1 waiver by myself. Now she told me that this is illegal and she is going to file lawsuit against me.

It was jsut very non-professional and unethical attitude from her side. I am pretty stressed out due to all my situation. Dont know what to do and dont know what will happen.

Had you committed in writting to paying her for a certain amount for certain services? Was the non-payment for services already rendered or she was asking for money in advance? If for services already rendered, I really do not see anything unprofessional on her part for demanding her dues.

It was jsut very non-professional and unethical attitude from her side. I am pretty stressed out due to all my situation. Dont know what to do and dont know what will happen.