Its official posted on on heading at Ms. Murthy's website

reach_honey work for murthy?

All the posts of reach_honey so far were aimed at cleaning the shit piled up with those comments from the chat.

reach_honey did mention in other post that (s)he is client of Ms. Murthy, and probably (s)he is a very happy client of her (and probably she does provide very good service so..)


my intention was just to pass this message to everybody in forum. As everybody were posting their own suggestion. I just want to clear out. Otherwise. I would not share my info.(hell I'm paying to Murthy and not you guys).
So stop talking non sense.
reach_honey, we appreciate your help and can understand your frustration behind the comments from some of the members here. Please Ignore them.

Thank you for your update and sharing the infomation with us. Do what you think is right. Don't pay any attention to the unpolite respond.