Its not all that bad ...


Registered Users (C)

I'm posting this for the benefit of the frustrated waiters like me.

I just checked the rupnet and found that there were a total of 20 approvals this month. Currently we're running into the 16th day of the month, it averages more than one a day.

Taking into account that there are less than 3000 people on the rupnet out of which 250 are of ND in year 03. It looks to be a pretty good number when compared with a total of several hundred thousand pending applications with BCIS. As rupnet represents a very small fraction of the total 485 waiter's strength.

Does this generate any optimism?

Good luck.

I'm always try to be optimistic...:p But there's a limit for how long I can be patient. Guys, my patience is slowly running out....:mad: and can't stay :cool: cool for a long time...
Now you have done it, CrouchingTiger. please do not digress to anything other than immigration issues.

Anything about "Incredible_Hulk" is in no way related to any immigration matter and should not be mentioned on this forum.

It does not matter that most of us have nothing to discuss other than 2nd EAD/Ap, 3rd AD/AP , and what latest nonsense was told to us by IIOs, and the fact that things are going nowhere !

If you mention Incredible_Hulk again, I will report this thread to the moderator. Please be warned !
Cool down

What about you jaykarandikar? Are you not discussing matter no way related to immigration in your above post? ;)

Cool down. I promise this won't happen again!
Don't get mad Tiger, I am sure Jaykarandikar was saying that on the lighter vein. Jay is a very smart and level headed guy.