Its my turn guys ! another July case has been approved on May 2nd !


Registered Users (C)
RD : July 6th
ND : aug 24th
PD : Aug 98
AD: 05/02/02
EAC# : EAC-01-254-5****

both mine and my wife\'s case got approved today. I broke my silence yesterday after a long gap as I was really upset about the INS ! now this moment I\'m the happiest man .....Used to check the AVM daily for the last 3 months. after filing I Called 3 times. Till yesterday mine was "....processing resumed" just now I checked it has changed !!

guys ! keep checking the AVM. next is your turn. Today is a good day for the approvals..have seen many approvals today.

thanks to Rajiv Khanna for providing this wonderful site and goodluck to all those who are waiting ....

Thanks guys !

VSC on the RUN now !! they are processing the July cases in high speed.... you are the next!