It's frustrating


Registered Users (C)

All my colleagues (about 7 of them) got there GC's. I am the only one left. I have contacted Senator & Congreesman both had the same answer that my case is awaiting for background & date of birth check. I have called and also faxed twice to FBI requesting to update my status. I haven't heard anything from them yet. It is almost a month now.

It is very frustrating and don't know how long I have to wait.

Anybody in the same situation?
Anything else can be done to findout the status?


RD: 08/29/2002
FP2: 05/18/2004
RFE recvd by BCIS: 06/07/2004
EAD3 Applied: 08/02/2004
EAD3 Approved: 08/25/2004
There is no reason for you to be frustrated,,,, they are solving cases around your receipt date, you should receive an answer any time soon.

Think of the people from 2001 still waiting how frustriting they must be :(

Me, I am an October filler 10/08/2002 to be exact and I hope I'll get an asnwer soon.

;) :p
glb said:

All my colleagues (about 7 of them) got there GC's. I am the only one left. I have contacted Senator & Congreesman both had the same answer that my case is awaiting for background & date of birth check. I have called and also faxed twice to FBI requesting to update my status. I haven't heard anything from them yet. It is almost a month now.

It is very frustrating and don't know how long I have to wait.

Anybody in the same situation?
Anything else can be done to findout the status?


RD: 08/29/2002
FP2: 05/18/2004
RFE recvd by BCIS: 06/07/2004
EAD3 Applied: 08/02/2004
EAD3 Approved: 08/25/2004

Hey take my advance congrts , you can enjoy the coming weekend your case will approve by this friday

you are not the only one left out...

I am VERY frustrating too... My RD are really close to yours but no sign for approval...

RD 8/30/02
ND 9/12/02

1FP 10/31/02
2FP 8/5/04

3rd EAD 8/10/04
To be honest guys, because of the indifference in the I485 approvals, we are all going through this frustation and this is quite understandable. The only way we can avoid this is by sending emails to CIS and to Mr. Khatri and ask him to do something so that atleast in future, others don't have to go through the same issue.

Just sit tight as you never know when we will see the end of the GC tunnel!
July and August have brought cheers to hundreds of long sufferers in this forum. I feel that the remaining long sufferers (all 2001/2002 cases) will get their freedom by the end of this month. So have hope, send emails and fax enquiries, pray God and wait till the month end.
dsatish said:
I feel that the remaining long sufferers (all 2001/2002 cases) will get their freedom by the end of this month.

Good predictions. Does this apply to non-sleep living souls like me??
My luck was badly beaten when my case transferred to un-known world.
Never had failure in life except this I-485.
Dear Badshah,
I understand the pain buddy, but here you are fighting a battle to Win and don't lose hope yet !.

Lets pray God together that all pending cases of 2001/2002 gets approved soon and lets fight for a winning cause by sending emails, fax and by other means to CIS and Mr. Khatri.

If you see my case, even after taking money from me and after calling 10 times to CIS, even now my case is shown as problem online and till now my LUD has not even changed once ! God only knows how this stupid CIS works!
Good predictions. Does this apply to non-sleep living souls like me??
My luck was badly beaten when my case transferred to un-known world.
Never had failure in life except this I-485.

You sure have had a long wait. I sure hope that it pays off someday very very soon.