CSC has been very good in employment based cases. TSC just had a huge jump at the costs of other cen
Also, CSC has been very bad in non-immigration cases, such as B1 extention. I know one case.
Someone tries to extents his B1. This takes more than a year for CSC to process it. Fortunately,
this is exactly what B1 people want. They can buy more time to find a school, change to F-1 stuff..
Gess. CSC is the real friend of foreigner. Go west, folks
Unfortunately, I moved in a wrong way, I got my education in CA and moved to VSC area for job
and green card... who knows what tomorrow would be...
just semi-fun...
so tired of this suck waiting games..
tired of ignorance of the sucks laywers... (one they take your depoist, you can not reach them anymore...)
tired of.... a lot of stuff direcrly as the result of this shit...
what you can do, fellows. it is us who want to come to here.... Maybe this is the price to pay..
If A comes to B, then A suffers. this is why girls do NOT come to guys explicitly. They seduce
guys in some cases instead.