IT Job Market Questions / Discussions


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Hi All,
Instead of having multiple threads (every one creating a new thread), let's discuss IT job market questions in this thread.
This will help the main page to focus on immigration issues (except this single thread).
Please post your questions/experiences here. One may also post their skillsets if they are looking for job so that others might possibly help.

OK, Let me start my question:
Hi PatienceGC,
You have suggested to some one to look in and .
I thought Net-Temps and Dice are the best. Again, i don't have much experience in applying jobs in internet. Did you have any positive experience with the sites that you have listed.
Actually, any one is welcome to tell their experiences with different job sites.
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I personally had a bad experience. Most of the ad's ( specially dice) are out-dated. For most part - consulting companies almost never replied my email - I suspect they just want to create a resume bank. I got some replies from direct company ad's - but those ad's have been really few.

Bottom line - there is nothing like personal networking - if you know a guy who is in the IT in the company or a recruiter personally that might work - other wise chances are your resume is in the HR black-hole and will never come out
Dsatish refrain from posting junk

Dsatish , cant you read the first posting on this forum not to misuse this site.

I dont understand why you always look to get attention by posting some junk.

Guys use some sense
I personally think the subject matter is quite clear and guys interested only in immigration can avoid reading it.

I have stayed here long enough and there has always been other topics( TGIF e.g. is quite popular). Honestly - I feel they are better than the hate messages we get here now and then.

Just my 2 cents - I think I will wait for the moderators to give clear instructions on what is post-able.

You are always into personal attack on me. I try to resist myself from answering people like you, but it gets kind of difficult if you do it again and again. I don't need anybody's attetion. Don't expect people to take your (SVSS) permission to create threads.
I don't think i have ever created a junk thread. If at all there is any junk, it's your mind. Please understand that i have created this thread in response to some one who created a thread asking people to help him finding a job. I thought that every one should not create threads to market himself(for jobs). On the otherhand,
i don't want to say "Get Out" to any such postings because this is a forum of IT professionals (atleast 80%) and if one needs help on job market issues, there are a lot of people in this site who can help.
Bottom line, if you are not interested in this topic, why did you click on this ? Is the Title not clear to you ? Are you the moderator? I can definitely take things from moderators, not from sulking people like you. I have been very active in this forum for the past 4 months, and nobody called me names except you.
I have posted many useful replies to many people. If you want do a search on my user-id and go through all the postings that i have posted. Contrary to your false belief, i have created only one or two threads (besides this) in the last 2 months. Your reaction is based on false prejudice.
Lastly, do not call others names. You are in America, not in India.
Try to treat others with respect. We Indians (may be all Asians)
have this tendency to be harsh towards others. That's why we see so many unnecessary fightings in this forum.
If the moderator thinks, that this is a junk thread, he can delete it.
I have not created this thread for myself. It's for every one who is interested in this topic and i am sure that more people will not object to this than the number of people who do because it concerns(job markeyt) every one here.

Pl. don't take this personally but this is a forum for 485 issues and let's keep it this way. We do not want to start a trend here to discuss other issues 'cause everyone here has a right to start a new thread and call it "except this thread" or "just this thread".

As for ignoring this particular thread if not interested is not a good idea as it fills up the list quickly with matters other that 485 issues thus making this forum less useful.

So please refrain from discussing non-485 issues in this thread.

This is indeed a great news. If all IT jobs are gone, the green card queue will decrease considerably. Also most of the IT pros are better off in India. IT is now a blue collar job( You don't need formal degree to program in Visual Basic). So they should not grant GCs to so called "IT Pros".
Guess what I am in Pharmacy and started coding in VB just out of curiosity and have no background in computers( Just my roomate got me hooked on to it). Its just a job where you don't have to have a degree so it does not qualify for a H1 visa.
Every Tom, Dick and Harry can be in it.

"IT Ka Howat hai" -- Laloo Prasad Yadav on IT.


I was looking at the sites in general. I found a lot of big4 jobs on Monster for SAP. I do plan to look for a job soon but I want to do something different from what I am doing so I am still acquiring "skills"! I used to look at dice but i think monster is much better. Lotsa big name companies.

I have been to some career/recruiting advice meetings. Here us what most recruiters said:

#1 turn off : Spelling mistakes. Make sure you do a spelling and grammar check.

They are looking for a maximum of 2 pages. They spend an average of 30 secs during the initial scan. If they don’t find what they want… it goes into the trashcan. Nowadays they are pretty choosy. They are looking for candidates with very specific skills. Keep the summary short but make sure you say what u have to (20 secs of reading!). Make sure promotions in the same job are being highlighted… apparently it’s a big plus.

They generally discard cold (call) resumes. They prefer applying for a specific posting. And they can easily tell when someone is using a standard resume when compared to one who is applying for THE post! They like to think that the person is applying specifically for the posting. Make sure if they are looking for a functional or a technical resume and act accordingly. Cover letter is usually read only during the second round of scan. Do not put things on the resume that you cannot remember or don’t know… " I have to brush up" is another turn-off! Nowadays they are very lenient towards people who have been laid off for a long time so do not fake any experience.

As far as interviews go, the #1 turn off is "no eye contact".

That’s all I remember from the meetings. I don’t know if its relevant but thought I'd share it

Good luck to all of you!
Another tip with resumes.

Ask others to review it (possibly someone more skilled or in a higher hierarchy). Personally one might think they have done a great job with their resume but someone else might provide different insights/comments.
This topic is not directly related to 485 but indirectly it certainly is. I see no harm if it is a separate thread with a clear title. 485 filers more than anyone else are more likely to be interested in this thread. And, frankly, it does not offend any particular set of folks so there is no reason why it cannot reamin in this forum.

Originally posted by ShowMeMyGCNow

Pl. don't take this personally but this is a forum for 485 issues and let's keep it this way. We do not want to start a trend here to discuss other issues 'cause everyone here has a right to start a new thread and call it "except this thread" or "just this thread".

As for ignoring this particular thread if not interested is not a good idea as it fills up the list quickly with matters other that 485 issues thus making this forum less useful.

So please refrain from discussing non-485 issues in this thread.

I have been here long enough ( as long as this forum exists) - and we always have had topics which is not directly related with immigration. One of the reasons I felt why is because we know and trust the people here as we have suffered together thru the I-485 ordeal and thats why we value each other's opinion. Also - we meet the same group of people, mostly professional and same level of education unlike chat rooms like

I personally have had wonderful opinions and discussions with my old buddies( almost all of them have left ) and I think if we make this forum strictly immigrational - we will loose a lot.

This is absolutely my opinion I understand the others would have their own and I respect other's opinion.
Here is a link to "Resume Blunders" article from today's

BTW, I request people to give their opinion about different job sites. I know that it's tough to get a job by applying on the internet. But what else can you do if you don't have many contacts and /or when your contacts can't get you a job ?
It's difficult to go through all the job sites (monster,hotjobs,dice,
net-temps). I would like to short list just two sites based on input from the people(i will go by majority opinion). My current project will be over in 2 months. So i would like to start searching for jobs from now itself.

Also i request people to post the contact address of Recruiters who are genuinely looking for candidates. This will help some people here who are actively looking for job.
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Mr BankeBihari2003

Do not judge all IT consultants by your ability to write Visual Basic code. You can teach an 8 year old kid to write VB code and with some luck you could even manage to teach Lalloo Yadav too but the point is what exactly in VB are you trying to do? If it is about displaying some stupid forms and message boxes then it has to be a retarded endeavor. To some extent you are correct because it is a relatively easy language to learn...even for pill-pushers.

If you want to talk about IT lets talk about some adult languages like C++. Are you up to it Mr Asprin? Or maybe you need Prozac to feel good?

Do not paint everyone with the same brush.
In Today's fast changing world, in which even IamShantanuB has changed :) :) , and magesh_kk has come out of his insider-stuffs ;) ;) , it's a pity that one more of a 'sort' has cropped up in BankeBihari2003 :D :D

Take it easy