IT IS OVER !!!!!!! OATH in Miami Today


Registered Users (C)
Can't believe it but I'm now a citizen !!!! Did the oath today at the Miami Beach Convention Center with 3000 other. In two days they will be 12000 new US Citizens.

I would like to thank you all for the support and information. Please keep in mind that a forum like this is precious regarding how to sail through the process. Keep posting, keep informing, exchanging ideas and information as we all can benefit from it. Imagine how difficult would have been to wait for the steps not knowing the priority dates? It is great to have the info and, for sure, this should have helped a lot everyone here.

A final word to the CIS Naturalization personnel in Miami. It is easy to criticize when something goes wrong but in my case everything - I mean - everything went right from the beginning to the end and the whole process took a little more than 9 months. During the whole process all CIS Naturalization personnel in Miami with whom I was in contact was very professional and very "warm". No harsh treatment, all polite and educated in dealing with all that I could see.

To finalize a very organized oath ceremony where 3000 persons were helped, supported and cared with extreme - sorry to insist but it worth mention - extreme civilization and education. I was amazed with the care devoted to the hadicapped applicants. It is too bad that not all the experiences reported here are the same but from my point of view the Miami DO Naturalization section is what I would define as excellent.

Hope you all get what you are looking for - the naturalization certificate - I can't describe the feeling of having it in hands and feel that all the fight, waiting time and dedication to this country was finally recognized and welcome. I will keep coming around some times and trying to give back to this forum a little of what I received in help, support and information.

Cheers and again, Thank you all
luizpaulo said:
I will keep coming around some times and trying to give back to this forum a little of what I received in help, support and information.

Glad to see you to be a US citizen. And I like your spirit towards this board which shows what kind of person you are in inside; otherwise there are many people who are so selfish as they only consider getting help from here and not exchanging their experinces with other people over here once their journey is over. They forgot that because of other people, they were helped as well. For example, there is a member-'tobecitizen' who recently became a US citizen. Right after becoming a citizen, she came over this board and mentioned openly that she will be retiring from this forum because she is now a US citizen, but she did mention that she will be starting visiting to other forum of this site to get the help for her parents as she wanted to apply for a green card for her parents. How selfish it was/is in her part! She did not even realize that if everyone would think the same as she thought then she had not gotten the valuable information from this board which she got. I say-Shame on this kind of people.
JohnnyCash said:
Glad to see you to be a US citizen. And I like your spirit towards this board which shows what kind of person you are in inside; otherwise there are many people who are so selfish as they only consider getting help from here and not exchanging their experinces with other people over here once their journey is over. They forgot that because of other people, they were helped as well. For example, there is a member-'tobecitizen' who recently became a US citizen. Right after becoming a citizen, she came over this board and mentioned openly that she will be retiring from this forum because she is now a US citizen, but she did mention that she will be starting visiting to other forum of this site to get the help for her parents as she wanted to apply for a green card for her parents. How selfish it was/is in her part! She did not even realize that if everyone would think the same as she thought then she had not gotten the valuable information from this board which she got. I say-Shame on this kind of people.

Thanks Johnny. I did look around and from all the forums I've visited this is the best. Of course you have all types of people when you open doors but to be sincere the best you can do is forget about the ones who do not contribute and focus in the ones - and thankfully they are the vast majority here - that are willing to exchange their experiences and information.

Luck me that I don't have much to say about the naturalization process, it was smooth, very smooth so the most I can give back are processing dates. But I do went through the H1, labor certification (this a real pain) and the green card and, sometimes, I see something that I can add to.

Yes, I'm willing to help in any way I can. Some are just needing a word of support, some a piece of information you can share but all in all we are all looking for the same and it wouldn't be nice to turn your back when you achieve your objectives. I'm not that much a religious person but the apple story in the bible says it all... when you think the apple is yours only it can just get lose from the rope.

I will be here regularly and any private message sent to me will be, as always, answered.

I've saw your name a lot here and your information is always very detailed and should help a lot of people. I don't know if you are related to this forum and if you are, congratulations. If not, even not being needed for myself thanks for being here and sharing all the info and knowledge with the ones needing it.

Have you and all of this forum a Merry Xmas and Wonderfull 2006 with the best gift...the naturalization certificate.

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JohnnyCash said:
Glad to see you to be a US citizen. And I like your spirit towards this board which shows what kind of person you are in inside; otherwise there are many people who are so selfish as they only consider getting help from here and not exchanging their experinces with other people over here once their journey is over. They forgot that because of other people, they were helped as well. For example, there is a member-'tobecitizen' who recently became a US citizen. Right after becoming a citizen, she came over this board and mentioned openly that she will be retiring from this forum because she is now a US citizen, but she did mention that she will be starting visiting to other forum of this site to get the help for her parents as she wanted to apply for a green card for her parents. How selfish it was/is in her part! She did not even realize that if everyone would think the same as she thought then she had not gotten the valuable information from this board which she got. I say-Shame on this kind of people.
I totally agree with you. If everyone leaves the forum once finished , nobody can get help. I believe the most valuable help we get from the persons who, once, they have been in the exact same situation, and almost all new citizens have been through the whole process, which means that they are all exprienced, it's just a matter of who is willing to give and who is not.

sony55 said:
I totally agree with you. If everyone leaves the forum once finished , nobody can get help. I believe the most valuable help we get from the persons who, once, they have been in the exact same situation, and almost all new citizens have been through the whole process, which means that they are all exprienced, it's just a matter of who is willing to give and who is not.



I've been reading your saga and you are one of those who can help a lot of other people with all the problems you went trough. I really hope you are close to the end of your story and that you succeed in the end.

My sincere wishes of good luck
tobecitizen said:
Look who's talking!!!!

The logic applies to all. There's nothing from my experience that I can provide as feedback. Whatever I know is what everyone knows. SONY55 with his unique experience will be able to offer more, but me nada. I am of no service. At least I was frank and open about it. IF I'm a I-Know-It-ALL, I wouldn't be frequenting this forum in first place. This forum is to help each other with issues. This is not fair on your part to make judgement calls. Everyone have their own reasons. This will be the last time I'm going to respond to you.

"This will be the last time I'm going to respond to you"

Do you honestly think anyone would care if you are going to respond to me first time or second time or last time? Or do you think I post my responses to get a response from you? No offence, but I don't think anyone would care about getting such kind of empty/irrelevant/defensive response from you. I responded to make you understand the logic of my posting which you obviously failed to comprehend.

"Everyone have their own reasons"

Yes. I got it. How shallow those reasons could be? I mean it is seemed perfectly okay for you to get all the help from this site, but when it comes to provide WHATEVER could be offered then you have very nice wording to justify it by saying that EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN REASONS, right?

"This is not fair on your part to make judgement calls"

What is not fair on my part? Telling over here about WHAT YOU SAID BY YOUR OWN MOUTH? I did not make those up. So obviously, that was not a judgment call from my part. Besides, you have to know that people are judged by their actions in every walk of life as nobody can read your mind. You might have heard that "Actions speak louder than words". Do I need to remind to people that you have deleted ALL the postings of yours even though you have been lurking on this site for so long? And I think I should also remind you that those deleted postings could be recalled back if we make a request to moderators as those stay in the server? Very nice act and attitude.

"This forum is to help each other with issues"

Isn't this is the message I was trying to pass thru you? Also, how strange it is that on one side you say that "This forum is to help each other with issues, but on the other hand-you want to rescue yourself by saying that I cannot provide any help because I know nothing of. Do you know what is the meaning of hypocrite?

"IF I'm a I-Know-It-ALL, I wouldn't be frequenting this forum in first place"

ONE doesn't have to be a "I-Know-It-ALL" in order to provide any kind of help, nor everyone on this board is "I-Know-It-ALL". As a matter of fact, 99% of people over here are like you who know nothing much, but they learn from here and help others based upon their knowledge and experience. They don't make all kind of excuses to justify themselves like you do. And I think I should remind you that you have appreciated all the help you got from this "I-Know-It-ALL" people from here thru your immigration journey.

"SONY55 with his unique experience will be able to offer more, but me nada"

I'm not the owner and moderator of this site so to say that I'm promoting this site, rather I've been saying all along that Everyone’s contribution and participation is vital to keep this forum get going. I've nothing to gain by saying all this except I want people to get as much help they deserve. You never know what small information that you provide will help to someone. Even though it might not help a lot, but it could certainly provide some emotional support to those who are going thru a worst time in their life during this process.

Yes, Sony's case was unique and complicated, but how many people over here have such a complicated and unique case? If not, then obviously, people won't be benefited by his experience a lot. Further, if you have noticed people's cases then you must have found that 96% of people over the board have a simple case like you had than having a very complicated one. If someone has a complicated case, then s/he normally goes to an attorney.

And, just because Sony's case was complicated, doesn't mean you cannot offer anything to this board. Let me remind you that you got help from those who have had cases like you had, and not from someone who has a case like Sony. Many members help people even though they did not know anything about immigration in the beginning like 'Ocworker', 'Anahit', and others. They could have also said that they know nothing like you did.

"There's nothing from my experience that I can provide as feedback.Whatever I know is what everyone knows"

Even though you only know what everyone knows, yet still it could help someone at somewhere. Further, if everyone knows what you know then they would not come to this board to get help at first place. Simply giving the timeframe of your case, your interview experience, the list of documents you submitted along with your N-400, and any other information could be so helpful to someone at somewhere, like it was helpful to you by others when you were going thru with this route. So obviously, you should not rule yourself out in the name of this excuse alone.

"The logic applies to all"

Yes, except people like me. Why? Because-I did not get any help from here, nor I come over to this site to get help. Rather I come here to help others because of the kindness of my heart and my passion of helping people. When you get something from the society, you are obligated to give something back one way or another. And I did not get anything yet to give back.

Plus, I've done enough on this site than someone like you would ever think to do it. In the link that you posted I was truthful that when my service is no longer needed over here, I will disappear. Why I said that? Because I normally post those issues which are complicated, or those which are not answered by others. And, people are helping each other over here anyway. Further, I help people over 3 more immigration forums unlike you.

All I could say is-rather than being defensive, you should have learned the logic behind of my message. And it is not about this site; rather understanding of matter and kindness of heart will help you in the future in every walk of life. Anyway, you have shown one more time what kind of person you are. You can compare your postings with others over this board/thread.
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I do not want to pose as a judge or debate about anyone reasoning but I can't let it go without saying that Johnny's postings are far more reasonable and fundamentally sound. As I've posted some here just need to share their emotions and grab some support and this anyone here can do.

tobecitizen said:
Look who's talking!!!!

The logic applies to all. There's nothing from my experience that I can provide as feedback. Whatever I know is what everyone knows. SONY55 with his unique experience will be able to offer more, but me nada. I am of no service. At least I was frank and open about it. IF I'm a I-Know-It-ALL, I wouldn't be frequenting this forum in first place. This forum is to help each other with issues. This is not fair on your part to make judgement calls. Everyone have their own reasons. This will be the last time I'm going to respond to you.
I respectfully disagree with you. People who help are not "know-it-all"!! They would just shed some light with FACTS and EXPERIENCE of what they had encountered during their immigration journey. Like Johnny said before, People here are not asking opinions to hear what they want to hear, they are hear to get the help they need, and know the facts others have been through.

But anyway, I am always here to help, and anybody who thinks i can be of help to him/her, i will be more than happy to do so.

Good luck and God bless!


JohnnyCash said:
"This will be the last time I'm going to respond to you"

Do you honestly think anyone would care if you are going to respond to me first time or second time or last time? Or do you think I post my responses to get a response from you? No offence, but I don't think anyone would care about getting such kind of empty/irrelevant/defensive response from you. I responded to make you understand the logic of my posting which you obviously failed to comprehend.

"Everyone have their own reasons"

Yes. I got it. How shallow those reasons could be? I mean it is seemed perfectly okay for you to get all the help from this site, but when it comes to provide WHATEVER could be offered then you have very nice wording to justify it by saying that EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN REASONS, right?

"This is not fair on your part to make judgement calls"

What is not fair on my part? Telling over here about WHAT YOU SAID BY YOUR OWN MOUTH? I did not make those up. So obviously, that was not a judgment call from my part. Besides, you have to know that people are judged by their actions in every walk of life as nobody can read your mind. You might have heard that "Actions speak louder than words". Do I need to remind to people that you have deleted ALL the postings of yours even though you have been lurking on this site for so long? And I think I should also remind you that those deleted postings could be recalled back if we make a request to moderators as those stay in the server? Very nice act and attitude.

"This forum is to help each other with issues"

Isn't this is the message I was trying to pass thru you? Also, how strange it is that on one side you say that "This forum is to help each other with issues, but on the other hand-you want to rescue yourself by saying that I cannot provide any help because I know nothing of. Do you know what is the meaning of hypocrite?

"IF I'm a I-Know-It-ALL, I wouldn't be frequenting this forum in first place"

ONE doesn't have to be a "I-Know-It-ALL" in order to provide any kind of help, nor everyone on this board is "I-Know-It-ALL". As a matter of fact, 99% of people over here are like you who know nothing much, but they learn from here and help others based upon their knowledge and experience. They don't make all kind of excuses to justify themselves like you do. And I think I should remind you that you have appreciated all the help you got from this "I-Know-It-ALL" people from here thru your immigration journey.

"SONY55 with his unique experience will be able to offer more, but me nada"

I'm not the owner and moderator of this site so to say that I'm promoting this site, rather I've been saying all along that Everyone’s contribution and participation is vital to keep this forum get going. I've nothing to gain by saying all this except I want people to get as much help they deserve. You never know what small information that you provide will help to someone. Even though it might not help a lot, but it could certainly provide some emotional support to those who are going thru a worst time in their life during this process.

Yes, Sony's case was unique and complicated, but how many people over here have such a complicated and unique case? If not, then obviously, people won't be benefited by his experience a lot. Further, if you have noticed people's cases then you must have found that 96% of people over the board have a simple case like you had than having a very complicated one. If someone has a complicated case, then s/he normally goes to an attorney.

And, just because Sony's case was complicated, doesn't mean you cannot offer anything to this board. Let me remind you that you got help from those who have had cases like you had, and not from someone who has a case like Sony. Many members help people even though they did not know anything about immigration in the beginning like 'Ocworker', 'Anahit', and others. They could have also said that they know nothing like you did.

"There's nothing from my experience that I can provide as feedback.Whatever I know is what everyone knows"

Even though you only know what everyone knows, yet still it could help someone at somewhere. Further, if everyone knows what you know then they would not come to this board to get help at first place. Simply giving the timeframe of your case, your interview experience, the list of documents you submitted along with your N-400, and any other information could be so helpful to someone at somewhere, like it was helpful to you by others when you were going thru with this route. So obviously, you should not rule yourself out in the name of this excuse alone.

"The logic applies to all"

Yes, except people like me. Why? Because-I did not get any help from here, nor I come over to this site to get help. Rather I come here to help others because of the kindness of my heart and my passion of helping people. When you get something from the society, you are obligated to give something back one way or another. And I did not get anything yet to give back.

Plus, I've done enough on this site than someone like you would ever think to do it. In the link that you posted I was truthful that when my service is no longer needed over here, I will disappear. Why I said that? Because I normally post those issues which are complicated, or those which are not answered by others. And, people are helping each other over here anyway. Further, I help people over 3 more immigration forums unlike you.

All I could say is-rather than being defensive, you should have learned the logic behind of my message. And it is not about this site; rather understanding of matter and kindness of heart will help you in the future in every walk of life. Anyway, you have shown one more time what kind of person you are. You can compare your postings with others over this board/thread.

It's a shame but then there are always such folks on all such forums..Ain't there a word to describe (referring to "tobecitizen") - scumbag ??
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tdesai said:
It's a shame but then there are always such folks on all such forums..Ain't there a word to describe (referring to "tobecitizen") - scumbag ??
if tobecitizen is not nice by not being cooperative and helpful, let's just ignore that person. I don't think cussing and swearing will make it better. Let's show that person that we are more civilized and helpful.

I am sure you are a nice person tdesai, therefore, show your great spirit!
