It IS happening!!! WAC#01-220-xxxxx got approved per AVM!!!


Registered Users (C)
I thought it will never happen, but it IS happening!!! Last night I heard the new and great message, "This case is approved on Feb. 15..." I don\'t even remember what was following after that. I am waiting to receive the notice from the mail.

Here are my details:
PD 4/2000
RD 4/24/01
ND 6/26/01
FD done 11/01/01
AVM Dec 29 resumed msg
AVM updated to "This case is approved on Feb. 15..."

This board is so helpful in sharing each other\'s information, frustration, worries and happiness. I hope you get approved very soon if not today!

I am on Pcee\'s list. Thanks Pcee for maintaining the list, please update my case. Also thanks everybody who provided valuble information here.
Congrats iaminusus

Enjoy your freedom -- All of us waiters get those spikes of excitement whenever we see approval posts as we know that v r getting closer with every approval...
How much time does CSC takes to act on RFE

Hi All

Need your views on my case :

PD Dec 99
RD 3/16/01
ND 4/6/01
FP 9/7/01
Catefory EB2 RIR India
RFE 11/13 or something but before 11/15
RFE for me and my wife
They wanted to know if i am still in job, wanted to see all payslip from the date of filing 485, W2 , letter from the company if i am still required and in job and copy of I-140 approval, Copy of all pages of passport

For my wife- Marriage certificate, birth certificate and copy of all pages of passport

All send No problems as I always been on payroll and with same compnay from day one

Attroney send the RFE answer in Jan 02. I have been checking with AVM about the status." Reced your response for RFE on Jan 16, all prelimary investigations for this case was completed before the RFE response was reced and it is taking 975-999 days for this kind of case. We would mail our decisions to you.(standard language)

Can anybody help me- How much time it is taking after INS reced the RFE answers and Can i call IIO and what number should i call. What to ask

Appreciate your response fast


rituria - it generally it takes 2-3 weeks from receipt of rfe

so Jan 16 th it was received by ins - approval should have been done by now
but I guess u have to wait for 3-4 few more weeks before sending a fax enquiry
You have the telephone number on the receipt notice


your case number is specified as wac-01-xxx-xxxxx

you will need this number when talking to the IIO(Immigration Information Officer)

It is very difficult to get through to CSC
but give it a shot and be prepared to be continuously redialling for at least 1 1/2 hour and even if you get through and it says please wait for the next available representative if may be u r on hold for 10-30 minutes

have your questions ready - You may get a chance to talk to the IIO for only 2-3 minutes

Good luck
If I were you, I would call ...

It was suggested that the best time to call is 9:40-10:30 am PST. I saw people call during lunch time also and get through after redialing hundreds of times. If I were you, I would call and try to speak to IIO at least to find out anything.
I am thinking how to celebrate this great news,...

I am thinking how to celebrate this great news, I want to share with everybody here in the board since only you could understand how eager and worried before getting the approval and how happy and relieved we are after our dream comes true. For the celebration, maybe want to hold it for a couple of days till I get the approval notice in the mail. This green card issue is like a big stone in my heart, now it is finally going away... Sincerely hope everybody will hear the magic words from AVM, it was such a joy. 485gang, when yours is approved, please share it with us.

I checked AVM last Friday night around 6:30 pm and it did not update. I thought nobody will work for the weekend so didn\'t checked it. But maybe AVM got changed systematically during the weekend.
Received approval letter!

Just want to give you guys an update. Lawyer received approval notice yesterday Feb. 21, I received the courtesy copy yesterday also. I noticed the Receit Date on it is my Notification Date for I-485 which is strange. I took 2 pictures today at Sansome Photos for $12. I shall go to San Jose INS next Monday morning for stamping.

My case has been approved finally on 2.19.02 . Details are as follows

PD Dec 99
   RD 3/16/01
   ND 4/6/01
   FP 9/7/01
   Category EB2 RIR India

I have got coursey notice so far. Can i go with courtsey for stamping , please respond ASAP

