IT is clear to me that ......


Registered Users (C)
......the peope who are trying so desperately to get their GCs are in for a big dissapointment. First of all, it will take ages for everybody to get a GC.
Even if they get it eventually, the trend of IT jobs migrating offshore ( read India ) is gaining momentum every day. Worldwide IT is in a slump, but in India it is growing by 30%. The reason everybody wants a GC is to be able to work freely here. If there are no ( or very little ) jobs to go around, what use will be the GC ?
Yes, you can always work at the Walmart or the 7-11, but how many of us will be ready to do that ? A few of us may get into alternate careers, but if the off-shore trend continues we will be the ones most affected. Most of us are pure techies for whom transition to business or project manager roles will be very difficult. It is very improbable that the demand in the future will grow enough to fill the capacity here and offshore - especially after the excesses of the 1990s.

Better go back and establish yourself in a place where the sun on the IT work is still rising. Let the people who are already citizens/GC holders make some hay while they can.

Thougths/comments are welcome.
I agree with cran2.

By year end 2005 65% of IT work will be shifted to India, China, Pakistan, Ireland and other Russian states. It will be next to impossible for an IT foreigner to find a job here in US. As of today only 6% of IT force represent H-1b visa holders out of which over 45% are out of job or leaving the country. this trend is not new it started before Sep 11, 2001. Do not you remembered news articles, CNN documentary and so forth. American companies are heavily spending & investing in China and American Express recently opened a huge IT hub in pakistan. China is also re-exporting IT projects in his closed neighbor friend Pakistan. It is gaing lot sof IT projects. However, due to IT slump and several IT people moving to India from US, Canada, Europe creating several problems. And guys salaries are not more than $200/month. This is a serious talk these new comers are not used to Indian life style anymore they like to pay $500/month for their SUV and expensive car now are in limbo and scared to go back. Working and Walmart will only help pay for the car insurance and time being gas. If godford war start that will be even hard becasue the oil prices can jump in to $4.00/gallon..........Time for serious prayer for all of us who are living in this tough country.:eek:
cut out those negative thoughts I definitely see myself as a successful IT guy in USA no matter what happens...................
And yes everyone here is aware of offshore things but still want to get Green Card because they know that they can compete with Americans and not because they want to work in WAL MArt and 7/ is the local people who are making career switches and not IT immigrants and this trend will continue. If you are not sure of yourself you can go back to India but I wonder with these kind of negative thinking and insecuriy , you would be able to manage a good It job even there
Cran2, why did you make an assumption that people applying for GC all have IT background?
If IT jobs going offshore, that's the reality! There's always something for everyone here, only if you are willing to adapt yourself to changes! Stop whining!

And you also make working for companies like Walmart sound very bad. What's wrong with working for Walmart or K-Mart or any other marts? Is it your believe that life is all about money??
If you can't afford paying $500 for your SUVs, trade them with smaller cars or take a bus!

If the statistics you've seen on the media have convinced you of the gloomy outlook of IT jobs in the US, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE waiting for GC? Shouldn't you have packed your bags and left?
IT Hub in Pakistan????

Is AMEX crazy?
What are they doing in IT Hub? Hacking softwares?
If it is call center unit & if you are a customer of AMEX, you might have to give SSN to a paki. Last week, FBI detained 25 pakis for SSN fraud in VA.
Anyway, As per NYT, between 2003-2015, US going to loose 2 million jobs, mainly in IT area. They will mainly go to India(80%), China(10%) & philipines(10%). India is considered as one of the safest country apart from UK to outsource critical work. Outsourcing security was the main issue of the article. Officially, US is not considering China as a safe country for outsourcing. I don't think Pakistan will get any business from US or any other sane country. Nobody has faith in them.
There is some truth

to what Cran2 has said. Not all jobs can go offshore. There are lot of jobs that offshore cannot do and has to be done onshore. These jobs are typically Project management/ Business analysis and technical architects and some more like that. Most of the tech dev stuff can be done offshore. Integration is done onsite. Now, coming to the point I wanted to make. You cannot stop the trend. It is the business which wants offshore. It is like the animal that has tasted the flesh. You get used to the cost savings and you want more. The salaries are getting better in India. It is not a bad idea to look towards india for growth and success.

I think offshroe is good for business. Especially I like it. I am strong proponent of offshore. Thats because I sell the same.

Anyone can change from pure technology to business analyst or project management. You need to take some professional courses. Technical project managers are required. If you are very good in technology and project management then you are a hot commodity. Project management is not rocket science but general comon sense and little business knowledge.

just my thoughts on the subject. I would like us all to actually debate on this subject on this board. Will be interesting to see others views on this subject.

The idea is to get GC, then citizenship and then you can work and live in the country of your choice. Lot of countries will entertain us citizens and give you work permits easily.