It is a good day

It is Over

Registered Users (C)
PD 3/11/98
RD 10/13/00
ND 11/6/00
FP 06/15/01
AVM updated RFE issued 11/6/01
RFE received 11/13/01
RFE replied 11/19/01
AVM updated for RFE received by NSC 11/25/01

AD 11/28/01
PD 3/11/98
RD 10/13/00
ND 11/6/00
FP 06/15/01
AVM updated RFE issued 11/6/01
RFE received 11/13/01
RFE replied 11/19/01
AVM updated for RFE received by NSC 11/25/01

AD 11/28/01
Congrats & can you share your rfe details.

Congrats hope every body day will come soon. Can you share what was RFE about.
RFE details-vaccination and birth certificate

My vaccination details were not completed to INS\' satisfaction. When i went back to my doc, he insisted i redo my whole physical to avoid further complications from INS. And he updated the vaccination details with more dates and wrote in two different places that- applicant is current for all vaccinations and that applicant meets all necessary vaccinations requirements.