It Came, It Came!!!


Registered Users (C)
After 2 weeks of unbearable anxiety, my Appearance for Naturalziation Oath came yesterday (Jan. 24). I will be sworn in as an United States citizen on Monday, Jan. 30th. That's right, in less than a week. I would like to thank everyone who gave me help when I needed it, and supported me when I became nervous for my interview. This is a wonderful forum, where people are extremely helpful and kind. I will continue to come back even after I have become a citizen. If I can help just one person, then that is good for me. So, here is my timeline:

Receipt date: July 22, 2005 (App. sent to Nebraska Servicing Center)
Fingerprint date: August 26, 2005
Interview appearance letter: October ?, 2005
Interview: January 10, 2006
Oath Appearance letter: January 24, 2006
Naturalization Oath!!!: January 30, 2006.

It took just over 5 months from start to finish. Not bad at all. I wish everyone else who is struggling to get their citizenship the best of luck, and you will all be in my prayers. Thanks again!! God bless the USA.
Congratulations Bro!!! My Oath will be Friday 27. You were very luck too with your timeline. Just 5 months! Mine was ultra-fast too. Aren't you feel great? :D
PP4U said:
Congratulations Bro!!! My Oath will be Friday 27. You were very luck too with your timeline. Just 5 months! Mine was ultra-fast too. Aren't you feel great? :D

PP4U- That is great to hear. You were even faster than myself. Yeah, I do feel great. Good luck with yours. I will make sure to think of you on Friday.
Good that you will be back helping others, that's what I call attitude!

Congratulations and wait to feel how good it is to handle the certificate....

Celebrate as you are receiving one of the most valuable pieces of paper that there are. ;)
I am going to celebrate by going out and buying a huge SUV and then complain about the gas prices. Just kidding. I am very excited. I feel like a kid again waiting for Christmas morning.