Issuing Plastic NSC


Registered Users (C)
I enquired with some of them who got their approvals recently in Texas. They all got their plastic cards in 3 weeks or less. I am not sure why it should take 8-12months at NSC. I also heard the task of printing the cards is outsourced to a third party.

Does anyone have any clue or ideas from their enquiries or research.

I lady who stamped my passport was grinning and saying it would take 12 months to get the card... so ridiculous!!

zsuj said:
I enquired with some of them who got their approvals recently in Texas. They all got their plastic cards in 3 weeks or less. I am not sure why it should take 8-12months at NSC. I also heard the task of printing the cards is outsourced to a third party.

Does anyone have any clue or ideas from their enquiries or research.

I lady who stamped my passport was grinning and saying it would take 12 months to get the card... so ridiculous!!

you are exactly right. VSC and TSC send the Plastic card within 4 weeks.
I don't know what is the reason but it may be due to lazy NSC workers initiation.
goni said:
One of my friends got his plastic in 3 weeks from NSC, that was a month ago.
I noticed that in the case of people who were called for interview. Their card was ordered by the local office and it came to them in 3 weeks.
My friend (and his family) got their plastic cards in 4 weeks. Their cases were approved by VSC.

Regarding NSC..I think we have to be happy that our cases were approved.
NSC has proved to be first in inefficiency. Keep it up NSC!
Farmers will wait for the harvest time. It happens once a year. Hence, NSC farmers are obnoxiously late.

God forbids people from going to NSC. One year for plastic card? What a messed up center NSC is!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: