Isn\'t that strange?


Registered Users (C)
Check this out! I went to a college reunion yesterday where I met an old college roomate. She is heading out to Brasil to work at a US embassy there, but that\'s not the point. Before she passed her foreign service exam she worked as (ARE YOU READY FOR THIS???) an IIO @ CSC for a year!

She told me many stories that seemed funny to her but sounded rather sad to me: how the officers pick out cases to look at for the day, how long it takes them, how they eat sandwiches on the applications, drop things, lose things... Another thing she told me (that may not even be the case for VSC) is that IIO really don\'t know anything simply because they are not told anything and there\'s no one to ask because officers don\'t talk to little people...
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I don\'t doubt that. The Pultizer prize winning work from the Oregonian does bring many things out that INS is notorious for. Behind that shady facade there could be many more gory details making fun of an immigrant\'s struggle to make a foothold on this land of opportunity. Out of scores of dishonest and shameless pigs at every place there are still few good men and women left to serve the people as seen in some recent posts....yeah true at INS....
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I was wondering if we could have some newspaper interview her and publish these stories.

May be that will help!!!
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we can email or call 20/20 to ask them to have some interview with former/current INS employee.
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I am not surprised either. What else do you expect? Seriously!
A refugee immigrant is granted a green card in less than 5 minutes at port of entry. No need to prove that you have sufficient financial resources. We are talking here about a financially broken chap.
For us, because we are "employer sponsored" and have to submit our case on a form it adds seriousness to the process but only at our end.
At their end it is still the same 5 minutes! process ending with a "Yes" or a "No".
This whole thing is only meant to act as a flood gate. Nothing else. They want to control the number of entries per year.
That\'s all. No wonder they are monkeying around with our files. The file is not important. The quota is.