is this is a normal RFE message..../


Registered Users (C)
On November 13, 2002, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and you have not received the notice, please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business hours.

source on-line

Perfectly normal

I received the same message which then subsequently was updated when they received my response to the R.F.E.

Also - do not be too perturbed when the message changes to this ...

"This type of case takes between 420-450 days to process. But because prelimunary prcessing was done on your case prior to us asking for additional information this case will take 450 days to process ..."

An additional 450 days after the R.F.E.? I think not - I am 'hoping' for a response coming before the end of the month.

Call me naive!!
