Is This A Normal Practice?


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Hi all, I will really appreciate anyone's insight into this delima that I am facing. My children's interview date has been set for Sept 11th at the Consulate in Ghana. When my children went for the medical, they were given some shots and told to come back on Sept 22nd for the a second shot. This is an immigrant case, I have bought their ticket to get out of Ghana for on the 18th of Sept. My son is 8yrs old so I was hoping to come together with thme as I am going home to be there with them for thier interview. Now I don't know what to do and I don't know if I should just rescedule the interview in which case the airline ticket is not refundable!!!. Someone with similar experience please help out. Thanks for everything.

Be Nice To The People You Meet On Your Way Up, For They Are The Same People You Meet On Your Way Down.
Originally posted by VIDASH
Hi all, I will really appreciate anyone's insight into this delima that I am facing. My children's interview date has been set for Sept 11th at the Consulate in Ghana. When my children went for the medical, they were given some shots and told to come back on Sept 22nd for the a second shot. This is an immigrant case, I have bought their ticket to get out of Ghana for on the 18th of Sept. My son is 8yrs old so I was hoping to come together with thme as I am going home to be there with them for thier interview. Now I don't know what to do and I don't know if I should just rescedule the interview in which case the airline ticket is not refundable!!!. Someone with similar experience please help out. Thanks for everything.

Be Nice To The People You Meet On Your Way Up, For They Are The Same People You Meet On Your Way Down.

Some of the immunization shots need to be administered in doses over a period of time. This is probably the reason they told you to come later for the second shot. However since you have
to produce the record when you go for the interview, you need
to talk to the physician and get a report accordingly.

The Consulate should not have any problem with this. Talk to the doctor and appraise him/her about the Immigrant visa interview.


Thanks for the reply Raju, I really appreciate it. Just one more question. So you don't think I need to rescedule the interview then? Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks again. :)

You can also ask the doc. to mark not enough time for the second shots on the medical vaccation sheet. And the consulate will accept it. When I went for my medical we also needed second dose, but as the first shot was administered less than 30 days, the doc wrote on our sheet, not enough time for second shot. And at the consulate no one asked any questions.

So donot need to re-schedule the interview. Just have them done when they reach US.
Thanks guys for answering my post.

Thanks for the reply, I hope things go just that way and the consulate don't ask that my children stay until they are done with the vac. Thanks a lot for puting my mind at ease, I was beginning to worry :) :D :) . God bless

Here's what happened in my case. This was for Mumbai consulate.

I did not get medical report prior to interview date. Still I went for the interview and they collected all papers and took signature and asked me to come back with medical report any time and collect visa.

I got medical report in weeks time and went immediately next day and submitted it and collected the visa.

Hope this helps.
Congrats Jaydeep on your GC!

And thanks for sharing your experience with us about the Mumbai Consulate and that delay in getting medical report was not a big concern other than you probably had to go to the consulate for one more time!