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Is there anything I can do while ' Waiting to Win ' ?


Registered Users (C)
I've been reading up on the GC Interview and it seems you need a number of things from background checks, criminal checks, health checks and finacial statements.

Is there anything I can get prepared now to save time so I dont miss out on anything while ' waiting ' for the checks to be completed?

If I do win, lets say In June it would still be months before the actual interview correct? Giving me ample time to get all the tests required and even gather more funding if I needed it?
Have you win the visa lottery already? If no, then go on with your life and dont worry about that yet.

ONCE you win and receive the letter from DState, you will have plenty of time to complete all the requierement documents.

Dont spend time or money in things and documents you dont know you will use.

Good Luck,
Treat it for what it is - a lottery. Its like saying, do you put a deposit on a dream house or car, in anticipation of winning a monetary lottery? No you don't.

Just live your life as it is, assuming you won't win the lottery. Then if you do, see what options like there for you.

Unlike things like business migration, there is next to nothing you can do (other than applying), to increase your chances of winning the lottery.