Is there any way I know about my 2nd FP -WAC 03 029 xxxxx


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My ND is Nov 6th 2002
My 1st FP is Dec 18th 2002
I am on my second EAD. It is well past 15 months. I don't know when they are going to schedule me for 2nd FP. Any one has an idea?

Iam also in the same boat. I asked my lawyer to do a Level 1 Enquiry on FP as it is expired, but she told FP expiry doesn't matter at all and if we don't hear anything until the JIT date goes 1 month ahead of our ND, only then she will make the enquiry.

Is it yours Concurrent or non-concurrent. Mine is Concurrent.

To the best Pray God and wait for things to happen.
Is it certain I have to undergo the second FP process since my first one is almost 18 months up. After reading posts from this forum, I infer it is true. Is there an exception?.
beech1996 said:
Is it certain I have to undergo the second FP process since my first one is almost 18 months up. After reading posts from this forum, I infer it is true. Is there an exception?.

If your FPs are more than 15 months old when your case comes up for adjudication, you will receive a notice to do FP2.

I'm WAC-02-253 and lots of people around my series received 2FP notices in late May. I did my FP2 on June 10. I doubt whether making request to do your FP2 makes any difference - if your case is not in the current stack, it won't speed anything up. Many people who did their FPs in Jan/Feb didn't see any action on their cases until May/Jun.