Is there any prescription for this painfull depression?


Registered Users (C)
I have not visited this website for last 4 days. In this morning I thought to give a simple visit. Guess what!. I wasted 6 hr of my 8hr ofiice time with the pains and could not work. Remaing two hours just to attend meetings and email responses.

The only reason for pain is simple! --->>> How come 2007 guys are approving while I am waiting since march 2003?.

If some one put on table with two choices,

1. Approve all backlog cases (like me sufferers)
2. Take $100000.00 cash and go away.

I will go for option 1 with my heart.
What do you say about the people waiting since 2001 ??

Definitely the day of your approval is not far will get your green soon,Don't get nervous.
I understood you. You will get it!!! It is just a card, you have your life! All the best!
do something

did you raise SR? if not do it
did you contacted your senator? if not do it

do whatever you can do to followup...

it works out sometimes. I have a friend of mine whose case (pd) is Nov 2002.

keep your doors open.. it will come in.
saiprasanth_us1 ,

Well here is my efforts,

8 SR's - same old message ( non of them matching)

2 Infopass

3 mails to FBI ( non got responded)

1 letter to congressman (not helpful responce from the
congressman - never try to respond)

2 letters to two senators ( one senator did not care about my issue - Other one replied with saying just wait)

1 letter to obdusman - not much helpfull so far

1 letter to first lady - no response

But no luck
My prayers are with you

oh man...I know how painful it is ..despite your efforts & followups...

I strongly pray for you...

The day is there soon for you too....
The answer to getting rid of your depression involves a bottle of jack daniels and a strip club! lol

Don't worry, good things come to those who wait. This is a lesson in patience and if you can endure this - well, theres not much else you can't.... good luck
Same situation.

If some one finds a way to overcome this situation, let us know. :)

I am in the same boat too from Dec 2001.

First in 2005, all my friends got approvals. :rolleyes:
Now every one in my city got approvals except me. :mad:
May we should get out of this forum and forget about our green card.

I am also working 12 hours a day, spending 2-3 hours only for checking this forum and checking my emails.
I've been waiting also since April 30, 2001. I'm puzzled myself why some recent PD's and RD's get approved in no time and yet there are people like us who have been waiting for years. In my case, it's almost 6.5 years. Indeed, a true test of patience. Good luck to everyone.
If some one finds a way to overcome this situation, let us know. :)

I am in the same boat too from Dec 2001.

First in 2005, all my friends got approvals. :rolleyes:
Now every one in my city got approvals except me. :mad:

same here vvvunlucky
dont know what we did wrong ..i am praying everyday to God to look into this issue, recently i came to know that my 2nd NameCheck got cleared, but still waiting for approval

our time we'll come but dont know when