is there any different between talking to io on the phone or


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is there any different between talking to io on the phone or visiting a local uscis immigration officer?

do they see the same information on their computer? the reason why I'm asking is that, every time i call and talk to IO or visit a local one, I seems to get a different answer to my questions! why is that?
Welcome to the world of USCIS inconsistent answers when speaking to an IO.

When you phone USCIS, were you actually speaking with an IO (transferred by rep to IO)?
IOs over phone or at DO have access to the same system (CLAIMS) so there's no difference. At Infopass you can always request to speak with supervisor . Either than that they provide teh same service.

My rule of thumb in decyphering what IOs tell me is to talk to several IO over a period of time. Eventually you will notice that a majority will tell you the same answer..I take that answer to be the corerct one and reject the other inconsitent ones I receive.