This got me thinking. Do I need to get another certified copy of the dismissal for my arrest/charges? They already have it in my A file because I was required to provide it. Or will I have to include a new one for the same arrest?
This is what I want to do. But not sure if the IO would be understanding of this or not.
I'm going to try livescan/cardscan to see which of the cases/citations the state can dig up on me. I don't remember exact dates and I don't have any certified copies or proof that I paid (but I did pay all citations/fines). If the state's records shows up, then I'll include all three. If not, then just the ones that show up.
Since the smoking thing was over 10 years ago, I doubt they would still have records of it. So if I mention it but won't be able to provide all paperwork, I might end up in a bad situation.
No... you include all whether LiveScan shows up anything or not.
Bad moral character is when you don't own up to your mistakes. State may not dig up issues that the FBI can/will dig up so don't go by that alone.
'Ever' means 'Ever', not 'If you think we'll find out anyway'.
I don't think you're going to have a problem on any of these as none are major issue.
This is a classic case where the penalty for hiding an issue is greater than the penalty for the issue itself.
If you get quizzed, own up to the mistake. IO doesn't make a denial in a vacuum. They need to get supervisor approval for denial because they need a good legal leg to stand on if challenged in court. So even if the IO tries to deny you citizenship, the Supervisor will probably override it.
Good luck. BTW, if you send for a FOIA, your file needs to go to DC. Then if you file before you get your FOIA results back, you'll be in suspense wondering whether your file is stuck in DC, or whether they 'found' something on you.
My recommendation, skip the FOIA request and file away...