Is there a Visitor Visa Refused Stamping in Passport ?????


New Member
Hello everybody,
my mom applied alone for B2 visa to US and she was sent back with a letter
saying that additional documents needed. Her passport does not have any rejection stamping or anythingof that sort. In the last page of the passport there is a stamp which says "US Consulate General .....Application Received". Will there be a Rejected Stamping in the passport if her visitor visa is rejected.

What does this mean ?
Is her Visa Rejected ?
If so in what category ?

I am wondering what i should put when i reapply..should i say that she had been rejected before or just applied ?????

Total confusions .. dont know what to do. Anybody who is experienced in this kinda issues, please let me know buddies. I will be Grateful to you.

Thanks in Advance,
Not rejected...just temporarily refused


Check the paper that they gave your mom. Most likely, it is 221g case - since they have said "additional documents needed". This means that she needs to send the additional documents (as mentioned) to the consulate. The method of sending might also be mentioned. In most cases, this is via email.

Read other posts for 221g on this forum...and most importantly, keep updating this forum so that we can help each other.

some questions for you:
- What consulate did you go to ?
- What date was your mom's interview?
- what docs have been asked ?

- avdxz
You need to mention about the deniel when you reapply


Usually, the American Consulate do not stamp "Rejected" in the last page. It simply stamps "Application Received.. US Consulate General" and the "date"

When you reapply, you need to mention this in the new visa application.
The application has the questions like:

"Did you apply for a visa earlier? Was it approved or denied? Why ? "

You need to say : Yes: Denied: Insufficient Documentation.
Check the paper first


check the paper first...have they asked for another ds156 ? if not, all your mom needs to do is supply the additional docs.

If it is 221g, this isnt called reapplication, so ds156 wont be required...she might have to go for the reinterview. Ask mom to read out the paper for you.

. if it is 214(b), then reapplication is required.