Is there a problem in calling IIO often..


Registered Users (C)
I called on 9/6 & 9/21. Do not know if I should call again. Response on 9/6 was that it would be assigned in 7-10 days. On 9/21 - It is not yet assigned.. Any advise folks..
ND 11/00
how are you able to get through?

I have tried calling, and pressing redial, for 10 or 15 minutes at a time and not getting through - always busy. I\'ve seen some people who say they were able to get through twice in one day. What\'s the secret?

It takes about 45 minutes of Redial + 20 minutes on on-hold before you can speak to an IIO..
I agree with abci

There is absolutely no point talking to an IIO. All they will tell you is "the case is pending", "case with an officer" or shit like that and call back in 45-60 days.
You are better off calling AVM.
