Is the Government doing unfair?


Registered Users (C)
Hello, before I tell you all my story here, please go to my site and read it there. I you mean that is unfair and you want to suport me, thank you very much. And please tell your friends about this. Regards Ralf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Admins: If you think I am wrong here, sorry. Tell me please and delete me. Thnx.
Your website notice was Withdrawn on your attorney\'s advice.

It will be hard for anyone to respond since your website has nothing to respond to.

What gives?
No, I tell it like it is. If you have read it you would understand. Please read it!

No, I tell it like it is. If you have read it you would understand. Please read it!
Very sad. Unfortunate!

However, the situation is probably much different than you state. First and foremost: Most people with heart pacemakers live productive and active lives for many years once the pacemaker is installed. There is no need to whine about the stuff that Life has placed in your breakfast bowl. There are many persons born overseas of US Servicemen who have not found their fathers. Your story is one of the few stories with a happy ending. Do not complain. Count the blessing you have received.

Unfortunately, the State Department is correct in your case. Since your parents were not married, your father must have legitmated you or acknowledged before you were age 21 and you must establish a blood relationship [READ: DNA TEST] with your father, and demonstrate your father\'s US residence/physical presence prior to your birth. If his name is on your birth certificate, this is only the first step.

You do not mention the DNA test in your story. If a child showed up claiming to be my long lost child via an old girlfriend, FIRST I would want to verify the reality of the blood relationship. Unless I was too ill to care.

In order for a green card: you will probably still need a DNA test to document family relationship after all these years. The visa petition will be easier to get approved with positive DNA test results. Then, there will be a wait of either 3 years or 12 years for a visa.

Unfortunately your story is all too common from the 1960\'s.
it must be common for you, but if you were in my situation, what would you do?????
Would you say "No matter, It is a common story and I give up fighting?"
Think about it.
I think only a person can say this who never missed a father or mother.

Anyway. I have made a DNA Test that shows I am his son.

maintain valid immigration status!

You ask "what should I do?" Consult an immigration attorney AND consult a counselor.

The tone of your website and your comments on this forum are very "whiney." Your situation is not sufficiently unpleasant to justify the "pity party" that your website and your comments here demonstrate. You are NOT gaining any sympathy from anyone!

If your question is relating to "How soon can I immigrate to the US?" You already have that information and do not like it. If you cannot deal with the wait for the family-based visa, find an employment-based visa! You will need a job when you get here anyway!

If your question relates to maintaining the recently established relationship with your father, that is a question for your pastor/counselor not this forum. Use your imagination, your email, your phone, your pen & paper.